How do we hear and see in the Spirit? 1 Kings. 18:41-45 Hearing the voice of our Lord and obeying in faith, perseverance, and single-minded commitment even when we are misunderstood, rejected, or despised please the Lord. Are we prepared to be a fool for Christ and risk it all for His glory? We are in the amazing days we will see strange things. Luke 5:26. Eph. 3:14-20 to cross over into fullness. What did Jesus see in you when died on the cross a cruel, tortuous death? Heb. 12:2 Be encouraged to be a fighter to overcome every trial as you seek His wisdom and bring JoY to His heart. Check out and apply at
Dr. Jorge Parrott Sends Out Graduates of CMM College of Theology With A Powerful Commissioning!