
Many of our CMM Pastors and Evangelists lost their houses in India Floods.

Because of heavy rains flooded all the areas in South India. Many of our Pastors and Evangelists lost their houses and everything they have and facing many problems and troubles in this time.

Pastor Kiran Babu lost everything in this floods. Now we are requesting CMM Partners' help us to rebuild his house. For this he needs $ 600 USD. Please pray and extend your helping hand and generous financial support as the Lord leads to rebuild Pastor Kiran’s house and show the God’s Love in this hard times.

We are also planning to give emergency food support for forty Pastors and Evangelists those who are facing many problems in this floods. Brother we are planning to give $12.00 USD for each Pastor to survive for ten days along with his family in this hard times. This help will give emergency support for forty Pastors and evangelist we need $480.00 USD.

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