
From 2 Starter Chicks to 50 In Two Years! What a Success Story! Help Them Grow Their Business and Provide More Food and Pay School Fees!
Since 2022, the project has provided families with a sustainable source of protein and the opportunity to expand their efforts. To date, the project has had an unparalleled impact on the lives of children and families involved. Click to read more:

A great example of this is 15-year-old Joseph , who received his first hen and rooster in 2022. Since then , he has made enough money through the sale of eggs and chickens to provide school education for himself and his younger brother. Joseph, with the support of his grandmother, has grown his flock from 2 to 50 and recently purchased 200 chicks, which he will rear and sell to pay for his first term of school fees! Despite this success, the program has faced challenges in reaching the level of lay hens in the village.

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