
ANTOINE KAMBOU from Burkina Faso 'Raising Prophetic Leaders and Shepherding the Word in the Future! Antoine shares the importance of walking in the Spirit and importance of stewarding in the prophetic movement. Antoine earned his Doctorate Degree from CMM College of Theology 10 years ago and is currently working on his Ph.D. Antoine and Jorge met over 12 years ago. Antoine shares all he has learned through CMM prophetic training and addresses the urgent need to train and raise up young prophets in the ten French speaking nations he oversees! Honoring the Fathers and seeking the Ancient Paths is a key to walking in His glory and shaping the future! How should we deal with false prophets, manipulation, and churchianity? Pray and let us know what the Holy Spirit shows you. You can help us at train more globally. Like, comment, and share. Let us know what He shows you.

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