Follow Did Someone Help You Get Started? YOUR Prayers And Generosity Can Make A Lasting Impact Helping Someone Else Get Started Too!
It's time to help end the poverty and entitlement spirit in the lives of our friends in many nations. Our CMM business teams help oversee each step and give practical/Biblical oversight and accountability. CMM has life-empowering, income-producing projects to teach those who really desire to become self-sustaining and feel the rewards coming from responsible work while learning wise stewardship. Examples: Chicken, Goats, Agriculture, Clothes Tailoring, Craft making, Child-Care, Auto and Motorcycle Repair, etc. Gifts are needed (request info on Micro-Loans) You've heard, 'Give a man a fish, and he will eat that day. Teach a man to fish, and he will eat for a lifetime. We want to teach them how to own the fish farm!

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