
The Lord Is Shining! Liberia Agriculture Transforming Society w/ Robert Bimba. Just $500 more needed to buy this machine.
Praise God, most of the $3,000 Rice Thrashing Machine For CHAP Project In Liberia Supporting 13,500 Farmers!
Bishop Robert S.M. Bimba: A Life Dedicated to Spiritual Growth and Community Empowerment
Pray and help purchase a Thrasher machine for rice harvest with CHAP in Liberia under Bishop Robert Bimba, long-term CMM member and graduate of CMM College of Theology. Right now, the teams working with Robert and the high quality rice harvest must spend countless hours working with their feet and hands to ‘thrash’ the rice to separate the grain from the chaff. A ‘thrasher’ machine is needed which costs $3,000. USD. This will reduce the pain, and strain of hard manual labor, and increase productivity, and feed more people, and help end systemic poverty.

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