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We Stand With Israel-Help CMM Bless Members and Friends in Israel, Refugees and Care for IDF Families and Those Affected by War! CMM loves Israel and God's promises and purposes in the Holy Land. Help us care for victims of war along with trusted CMM friends feeding the poor, providing needed equipment for the IDF, refugees making Aliyah, and key ministry members of CMM who live and serve in Israel

Take The Tour In 33 Seconds! CMM College of Theology APPLY NOW! Share with friends and family who are seeking transformation in an exciting, experiential, revelatory environment with fellow students from the nations. Get prepared!
Video by Ganbold; Music by: SAM

2024-25 CMM Theology Bachelor Class 37 Second Preview! Here's a quick overview of the upcoming Bachelor's class for the 2034-25 Bachelor's Class with CMM College of Theology. Visit to learn more. Email to set up a video-call to have all your questions answered.

2024 2025 CMM's Master of Ministry Degree 2024- 2025 CMM's MMIN is more than a degree. It is a partnership with the student and their destiny. This innovative and revelatory course dials in with targeted, actionable steps to bring your vision to life. The outcome of this course is to bring your business or ministry to life.

Applications being accepted for our 17th year offering revelatory, experiential, diverse streams gathering together for life changing growth in the Word, led by the Holy Spirit. Check Out and apply at Bishops Daniel and Christine Oyoko Serve 25 Communities in Kenya. Evangelism, solid discipleship, with Abba's Heart! Share in the Blessings!
We first met Bishops Daniel and Christine in 2004. They are faithful, fruitful and wise stewards winning thousands to the Lord. They have planted 35 churches and raised up loving, skilled pastors in each area.

They often go into rural tribal areas over rough roads to shepherd with the Father's heart the many mature transformed lives to see lasting revival in their region near Homa Bay.

Bishops Daniel and Christine are spiritual leaders to many in each of the towns and tribal areas they travel to. We saw firsthand how well respected and honored they are while there in Kenya in December 2022. Even representatives from the government came to honor them and encourage even more rural, tribal outreaches

Pray and ask the Lord if He wants you to sow into these precious Shepherds.

Dr David, Beautiful Ministry Campus Success and Lives Changed! Over $148,000 paid, $90,000 due by June 30th-Please pray!
What an amazing response we have seen in paying off this to pay off this campus! THANK YOU! Over $148,000 has been paid so far in less than one year! The vision of impacting a nation for Christ is showing much fruit and already reaching many. Please pray for a miraculous breakthrough. $90,000 is due by June 30th. WILL YOU PRAY! This is a historic time to make a stand for Jesus and the future of this nation, impacting generations and history during a time of civil war. Your prayers and seeds for change mean so much!

Dr. David and his family and ministry is amazing. Dr. David's ministry has bought a property with three buildings in their city—a Christian neighborhood. David, his ministry and CMM share passionate hearts for excellence in education.

We Stand With Israel-Help CMM Bless Members and Friends in Israel, Refugees and Care for IDF Families and Those Affected by War! CMM loves Israel and God's promises and purposes in the Holy Land. Help us care for victims of war along with trusted CMM friends feeding the poor, providing needed equipment for the IDF, refugees making Aliyah, and key ministry members of CMM who live and serve in Israel

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