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Your Breakthrough Is Breaking Through-Jesus Inside YOU! Psalm 107:20 that "He Sent His Word and Healed them, and Delivered them from their destructions."
Micah 2:13 “The breaker [the Messiah, who opens the way  shall go up before them [liberating them].They will break out, pass through the gate and go out;
So their King goes on before them,
The Lord at their head.”Ha Poretz . Here we have a messianic title to add to the many others like “Bright and Morning Star,” “Prince of Peace,” etc.

Facing Toxic Relationships-Getting Free So We Can Love Fully!
Nancy Nichols, one of our dear CMM Ordained Ministers, shares-"The Bible is clear - there is a time to sever unhealthy relationships​​.​"​

Tapping IntoTrust-CMM's Global Family of Proven Co-laborers-Many are learning more for the first time about CMM through these CMM Power Pods. Please share with friends and family. It's so important as the Word says 'To know those who labor among us.'

The Transformed Life Unfolds in Just One Verse!
Jesus is the Word and Jesus is Life! Our Creator makes way for us to enter into His presence at any time.

Ready To Go Higher In The Word and Holy Spirit? Check Out CMM College of Theology Today!
Applications for the fall term are Being Accepted Now! Email today.

Abortion Will Be Aborted!
Pray for the unborn! We are at a critical crossroads in the US. The only hope for this world is Jesus.

Do Not Blaspheme The Holy Spirit-Take Heed How You Hear and Speak!
We will see many 'angels of light' and false prophets coming forth.
Oswald Chambers said 'The Lord did not give us the spirit of discernment to criticize, but to intercede.'

Whose Arms Are You Holding Up To Face The Battle? Who is holding up your arms in the raging battles around you? As Aaron and Hur lifted up the arms of Moses in Ex. 17:8-13. We each need prayer covering and active intercession for the battles ahead. We need to pray for one another.

Scandalous Yet Real Faith!
Happy Mother's Day! As new creations in Christ, He gives us supernatural energy.
Eph 1:19 And [so that you can know and understand] what is the immeasurable and unlimited and surpassing greatness of His power in and for us who believe, as demonstrated in the working of His mighty strength, We see in this verse three separate uses or definitions of power and might, according to Strong's Concordance.
1. Dunamis power, breakthrough power
2, Energaia- supernatural energy to do His work,
3. Kratos-Dominion- to rule.

Amazing ABBA! More About CMM's Rapid Response Fund!
YOUR prayers and generosity literally save lives and shine Jesus in the darkness. Thank you, dear friends and family, for praying for CMM's Rapid Response fund. Eph. 3:20 AMPC 'Now to Him Who, by (in consequence of) the [action of His] power that is at work within us, is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly, far over and above all that we [dare] ask or think [infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams).'

The Lord's Name Is Jealous! ​
There is great hope, peace and joy in the jealousy God has for us! We know we are wanted. God desires us to be with Him. God selected us. Since His love is unstoppable we can boldly obey His voice and heart's desire for us!

This morning as I walked by the lake I experienced the presence of Jesus walking with me. Suddenly, all the clutter and warfare disappeared. He said, 'Here, let me clean you up and heal and refresh you.' As we walked Jesus pulled darts, arrows and knives from my back. His refreshing presence washed over me and all around me. It had been a rough few weeks as many of you may also have experienced. I said to the Lord, 'thank you for being here and walking with me.' He replied 'I want you to know I choose to be with you. I love to be with you.'
Eph. 3:12 ' In Whom, because of our faith in Him, we dare to have the boldness (courage and confidence) of free access (an unreserved approach to God with freedom and without fear).'

The Shot Heard Around The World! MUSK-IT! Prophetic LIBERTY BELLS Are Ringing!
How exciting to hear the news of Elon Musk buying Twitter! When Twitter cancels so many righteous innovators and allows terrorists and control freak globalists to dictate their platform we knew it wouldn't last.
We prophesy to the Kingdom-minded entrepreneurs and free speech proponents to join in the massive transfer of wealth with innovative, witty inventions and ideas to reshape society to prepare for the Great Commission, the Great Harvest and raising up the younger generation of wealth creators, co-creating with the King of Kings for bringing heaven to earth.

Ukraine Update-Pray For Portable Water Treatment and Humanitarian Aid Shipments
Pray for the 5.5 million innocent Ukrainians who have fled their war torn nation. Pray for 7.7 million citizens forced to flee to other regions within Ukraine.
​Pray for CMM and the many great organizations working together to bring aid, comfort, and hope in Christ to the war victims' families. We are believing to raise $50,000 for portable water filtration systems that can provide safe water for thousands each day. Each of these mobile systems can produce 12,000 to 20,000 gallons of safe water today. We also are planning to send a cargo container of much-needed aid and medicines and food.
1 Cor 12:25 . that there may be no division in the body, but that the members may have the same care for one another.'

Passion Drives Your Perseverance To Overcome and Accomplish The Lord's Best For Eternity!
It is absolutely vital we know the voice of our Shepherd! The anointing of the Holy Spirit fuels our passion as we fall more in love with Jesus. Our confidence is in Christ alone as we grow in humility and He builds our endurance and shapes our character into the likeness of Jesus.

The Shot Heard Around The World! MUSK-IT! Prophetic LIBERTY BELLS Are Ringing!
How exciting to hear the news of Elon Musk buying Twitter! When Twitter cancels so many righteous innovators and allows terrorists and control freak globalists to dictate their platform we knew it wouldn't last.
We prophesy to the Kingdom-minded entrepreneurs and free speech proponents to join in the massive transfer of wealth with innovative, witty inventions and ideas to reshape society to prepare for the Great Commission, the Great Harvest and raising up the younger generation of wealth creators, co-creating with the King of Kings for bringing heaven to earth.

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