Thank you to those who prayed and helped free this family of slaves! All glory to the Lord.
Thank you Pastor Tahir for your prayers and heart to free the slaves. YOUR help is priceless as are YOUR prayers and generosity in setting captives free in the name of Jesus!
Pray for this next family needing prayers and YOUR generous help to be free at last! We need $2,500.00 USD to buy them out of slavery.
Pray and give at
Ukraine, Afghanistan, Cuba Dom. Rep, Nepal Updates
Ukraine-40 million feed 400 million-prepare for shortages and high prices. No more atheists in Ukraine!
Being With The Lord
As sons of God mature in light of global chaos and darkness, 'we must share in His suffering if are to share His glory.' Rom. 8:17 Rejoice and grow through every trial! For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. Rom 8:14
Jesus is our high priest and chief intercessor.
The Solution to Every Dilemma! Psalm 110:3 'Your people will offer themselves willingly in the day of Your power, in the beauty of holiness and in holy array out of the womb of the morning; to You [will spring forth] Your young men, who are as the dew.'
Luke 2:49 ' And He said to them, How is it that you had to look for Me? Did you not see and know that it is necessary [as a duty] for Me [a]to be in My Father’s house and [occupied] about My Father’s business?'
Photo by Razvan Chisu on unsplash
YOU Can Help Set Sex Trade Victims Free in DR and Give Them Hope, Jesus and Restoration Today!
Fernando Figueroa is fearless and committed to setting captives free in Jesus' name. YOU can help by praying for these victims to know Jesus once they are freed and cared for on the path to restoration and fullness of destiny they are created for from before the foundations of the world. Pray and as the Lord leads send in your best gift today to save a life!
Please pray for our operations in the Dominican Republic to set captives free. Our Brother Fernando Figueroa and his team work with the Police and Military to bust crime syndicates. A major coordinated effort is planned over the next week. Funds are urgently needed to provide food and shelter for the victims once rescued. YOUR prayers and gifts save and restore lives. Give at HTTP://
Miraculous Healing Testimony Of 9 Years of Infertility, then Pregnancy With Cancer-HEALED!
Our dear friend Stefania Della Santa from Switzerland hosts a miraculous testimony from Kristina Petricevic, of Croatia. Many prayers had gone up for Kristina after Stefania was led by the Lord to pray for her. Our healing team joined the prayers for her miracle as we watched the Lord do this amazing healing miracle. Kirstina writes 'I live with my family in Split, Croatia. I am 45 years old and a year and a half ago I gave birth to a son Abraham. Before I stayed pregnant I was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. After 9 years of infertility in marriage and with such a diagnosis, God gave me a sign that I asked Him - pregnancy. This sign was confirmation that Jesus had healed me with his stripes. Praise God for his faithfulness and goodness.'
Ukraine Update with Amy Muranko of Global Impact with Precious Children in Living Pearl Orphanage
Amy is a long term friend of CMM and she is the founder of Global Impact with a ministry based in the Philippines. Amy and Pastor Sasha founded Living Pearl Orphanage in the Ukraine and care for 47 children with 15 staff. Pray and help during this war and about being a monthly partner.
Seeking The Light? Free Help Offered! Sign Up For Free CMM Online Ministry
We are excited to offer you this free ministry with our prophetic ministry teams. They are experienced, anointed, and loving as they go to the Lord on your behalf. We prophesy according to 1 Cor. 14:3 and all they know is your name, location and time zone. The Lord is amazing how much He loves you and has great and wonderful things planned for your life and family. Go to our website and click on the link to request personal ministry for fresh hope, peace and clarity.
CMM Power POD Kenya Miracle Pregnancies! Birthing that God idea inside you!
Long-term friends and CMM Missionaries in Kenya Daniel and Christine Oyoko share powerful testimonies of miracle babies born to barren couples!
Weekly we get many reports of salvations, miracles, baptisms as the Great Harvest is HERE NOW
Photo by Juli Kosolapova on Unsplash
Prophetic Word:
What will you do next?
Many have been waiting on the Lord but He says He is waiting on us. Today is the day to come out of distress and paralysis to awaken the greatness He placed in you for He will show you great and mighty things as you surrender your will and obey His voice and commandments. He has called you out and set you apart for His greatness. 'The Lord said to Moses, Why do you cry to Me? Tell the people of Israel to go forward!' Ex. 14:15
Step into His Moment Outside of Time!
What a glorious time to shine in the dark! As Kings and Priests, we believe the way He created us to believe as His Word comes to life by revelation given to release the truth of His glory. Rev. 22:5 shows this.
Blessed to interview Keith Wheeler, just back from the Ukraine war. Many ran to see Keith carrying the cross of Jesus.
Keith Wheeler Just Returned From Ukraine-Carrying The Cross-Sharing Jesus In 200 Nations-Obedience!v Must Watch Video!
Press On! Rising Above Chaos, Dysfunction, and Division For Your Victory!
Praying in faith agreement with the righteous prayers and prophetic words spoken over your life that will keep you focused on finishing the race strong. Know that the Lord is faithful to complete the good work He began in you. Be the salt and light to a lost and hurting world as you keep your eyes focused on Him with your confidence in Christ alone. Read Gen. 27&28 Isaac's Dysfunctional Family Could Not Stop The Lord From Your Victory!
Pray for these 2 families in slavery in Pakistan. We need help to 'buy' their freedom.
#BigTech lets SEVEN dictators post, including #VladimirPutin — still bans #DonaldTrump
'It Does Not Take Faith To Possess What You Own!' Participate With God To Create His World!
Spiritual makeover time?
'Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.' 2 Cor. 5:17
I Died On A Plane-Seeing Jesus Beyond My Grave! Resurrection Life In Awe and Worship!
None of us have a guarantee of tomorrow. We are to live each day as if it is our last. Be sure to tell loved ones and friends how much you love them and cherish them often. Death, oh where is your sting? 'The path of life leads upward for the wise' Prov. 15:24