Pray and as the Lord help with this much-needed toilet project in India with Pastor Melchishua Paul. One orphan was attacked by a lion. Click this link to read more:
We are reaching the nations of W. Africa with hope, revelation, and challenges for INCREASE, and EXPANDING OUR SPIRITUAL FOOTPRINT for this next season. Jorge and the CMM Global Family empower leaders in 70 nations. Bishop Robert Bimba is the host of the 'Destined For Greatness' Conference and a student in CMM College of Theology.
Hear A Short Sample of this exciting, upcoming Webinar 'Trauma to Trust.' Get a Glimpse from Dr. Cindy and a powerful team of full-time counselors with diverse training in the leading Christian and secular methods in the upcoming 'Trauma to Trust' webinar. Hear a sample of this vital healing training setting many free in the fullness only found in the Lord. Are you looking for hope and help in these challenging days? You don't want to miss this.
Are you building with God in this season? Are you waiting for the right time or getting discouraged by the climate around you? Take courage and know you are not the only one going through this. timeline."
My First time being slain in the Spirit.
Learn How Our Upcoming 'Trauma to Trust' Webinar Will Help People Facing Many Issues In Life.
Enjoy learning more from Drs. Cindy and Paul Johnson, the diverse training and experience they each have in both secular and Christian Counseling areas, can help people from all walks of life.
👥 Click this link to learn more about all the exciting line-up of speakers: thanks a million.
🎙️ Podcast:
Daniel and Christine and I first met in 2004. They have amazing hearts and a passion to work across denominational lines to disciple many in firm foundations of the Word and Holy Spirit. They have planted 35 churches and invite you to come and experience the glory in the Homa Bay area of Kenya.
Apostolic Father In Kenya Drs. Tom and Pamela Omukhobero, (Medical Dr.) See Their Hearts and Fruit.
Meet long-term, dear friends and members of the CMM Global Family of nation changers, Drs. Tom and Pamela. These hearts of gold, filled with the love of God through Christ, reach across Kenya and many denominational lines to plant churches, disciple the saints, care for widows and orphans and raise up the younger generation of leaders of righteousness and holiness. A true apostolic father, Tom is known far and wide as a man of godly character and trust. Dr. Pamela founded a hospital to care for the vulnerable, and poor, and together they provide medical care, evangelism in their hospital, and many medical outreaches to urban and tribal areas. Pray about becoming a monthly supporter of this precious ministry-changing Kenya and bringing mature sons of God together in true eternal unity as One.
Dr. Cindy Johnson - What Is Counseling?
Join this powerful line-up of loving, experienced counselors offering to bring healing to the hurting, restoring hope and restoration to the fullness the Lord created each one for. You don't want to miss this.
Click this link: to learn more and register.
Live Online - March 31 - April 1