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"CMM College of Theology is happy to announce a new degree being offered in Christian Counseling. There is so much trauma in the world the last few years and we all need the Lord, His Word and Holy Spirit comfort and wisdom each day. We are blessed to have Dr. Cindy Johnson lead this exciting new offering. Dr. Cindy has over 30 years of study and practical experience helping with excellent, holistic healing and comfort in seeing many find peace and freedom in knowing their identity in Christ. Watch and learn more about it. Email and check out and apply at
Now taking applications 2023-2024.
Classes in English, Spanish, Thai, Burmese.
Connect with the heart of the Lord and folks from different streams and church backgrounds and cultures globally! The Remnant may be small but it is so powerful!

Nadira Nagy will be helping us expand the business portion of the the Master of Ministry degee.
Nadira Nagy has three beautiful children with her husband Alan of 17 years. After 10 years in corporate america, she was called out radically to serve God. Nadira Nagy worked for an international ministry four years, then transitioned to education. She is currently teaching High School students Entrepreneurship, a course she helped create and developed which started in 2018. She also teaches Biblical worldview and is the Guidance Advisor to a k-12 private school. She is the Youth Minister Assistant Director at her local church. Her passion is to see the body of Christ at large in love with the secret place. Cultivating a lifestyle of holiness that will pour from the inside out, to impact the Nations for the message of Jesus Christ.

Mado Wildrianne in Oviedo, Spain long term friend and faithful CMM family member for decades.

"CMM College of Theology is happy to announce a new degree being offered in Christian Counseling.
There is so much trauma in the world the last few years and we all need the Lord, His Word and Holy Spirit comfort and wisdom each day. We are blessed to have Dr. Cindy Johnson lead this exciting new offering. Dr. Cindy has over 30 years of study and practical experience helping with excellent, holistic healing and comfort in seeing many find peace and freedom in knowing their identity in Christ. Watch and learn more about it. Email and check out and apply at

YOU Are Invited To Join Our Father's Heart In Reaching Every Tribe and Tongue With The Love of Jesus By Becoming A Monthly CMM Partner!

Your Call To Action! Join the Lord and partner with Him. Every day YOUR CMM Global Family reaches the lost, encouraging the vulnerable, building thriving Christian communities and fellowships, and equipping the saints until 'we all come into the full stature of Christ.' (Eph. 4:13)
Remember the joy you felt when you first came to Jesus? YOUR prayers and monthly giving help CMM Teams and Missionaries win souls, disciple the saints, expand the Kingdom of God, and destroy the works of the enemy.
Since we are reaching the very poor, YOUR involvement is priceless (at times, even saving lives is at stake) for our staff and many missionaries and volunteers working tirelessly to lay down their lives and follow the Lord's calling.

Bishop Robert has a heart for the Lord and has been through a lot of suffering and working hard to rebuild his nation after years of war. Help Us Bless Robert with regular support in his powerful apostolic ministry.
Pray with us for this powerful apostolic ministry based in Liberia and impacting all of west Africa. They live to see the lives restored of his people, whose lives are affected by hunger, illiteracy, poverty, etc. Robert and Lucia were mentored by the late Apostle Fred Hoover in the 1990s.

What are the characteristics of Sanctification? Kojo Owusu-Ansah shares with us the difference between Cultural & Biblical Christianity.
We are encouraged to remove from our life the things that are not pure, that do not bring glory to God.
CMM Theology, MTh 2023 candidate Kojo Owusu-Ansah presents his final work on "Insight into Sanctification."
Now taking applications 2023-2024.
Classes in English, Spanish, Thai, Burmese.
Connect with the heart of the Lord and folks from different streams and church backgrounds and cultures globally! The Remnant may be small but it is so powerful!

CMM Theology, MTh 2023 Kyanzelewin Adama Some' presents his final work on "Regeneration."
Kyanzelewin Adama Some' sharew with us that the will of God was to create man to be like him, to take over and to control the Earth, to Sammah שָֽׁמָּה in Hebrew; to keep, to preserve, to watch over the Earth.
Listen to this powerful and Jesus-centered message, like and share with others.

Pray and Help us to empower women in India with sewing machines, skills and sustainable income.
A new sewing machine only costs $125.00. We hope to buy 10 new machines to transform women's lives. A larger space is available for only $50.00 per month.
Currently, we are conducting these classes in a tiny room where only four women can sit and learn. We must rent a bigger space and purchase ten more sewing machines to train more women.
This type of broad discipleship including practical life changing skills in a loving, Christian, atmosphere as they also learn in focused Bible studies.

CMM Theology, Bachelor 2023 candidate Elizabeth Colson presents her final work, "The Door."
Elizabeth Colson shares from Revelation 4, the Heavenly Worship.
When we think of the power of God’s love, how he sent Jesus to free us, we then can be reconciled to the Father to understand that he overcame so that we can overcome.
The power of his love is to free the oppressed by the power of the Holy Spirit.
All of these things that we realize in the Scriptures are true from who he was, who he is, and who is to come. He truly is the holy door.
We are invited into that place, both in the temporal and in the eternal, what was, what is, and what is to come.

'thank you CMM Partners for your prayers and generosity in providing for wells to help people in our trusted network of the CMM Global family with longer, healthier lives and safety to protect women and children from the risks of kidnapping and sexual exploitation and allowing children to be educated instead of hauling water for hours. This well in Malawi brings joy by way of Kuzaan and Clarien, long term friends, CMM members and graduates of our school. Pray and give at to help drill more wells in Africa and Asia.

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