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The Lord looks upon our hearts. He is more interested in our 'being than our doing.'
The Bible teaches us that it is the content of our hearts that truly matters to God.
Throughout the Bible, we find numerous examples of individuals who may not have held impressive job titles or positions of power in society, but their character made them remarkable in God's eyes. Please like, comment and share.
At this time of year, your generosity will provide Christmas gifts, coats, and blankets for children you help care for in many third-world nations.
Will you pray and ask the Lord what would be His best gift for you to sow into a precious child or young person’s life on Tuesday, November 28th?

Thanksgiving and Christmas Gifts for CMM Orphans and Victims of war or natural disasters!
We all have so much to be thankful for! Share your love, hope, and blessings in Christ with vulnerable victims, families and orphans this Thanksgiving and Christmas with your CMM Global Family. Just imagine the joy and big smiles on the precious faces of children and vulnerable victims of war or natural disasters in the nations as you share Abba's heart with love, hope, and generosity. Thank you from our hearts to yours.

Brother Farzad is a true hero of the faith.

He and his teams feed 35,000 to 40,000 refugees twice daily for the last few years in a war-torn nation in the Mid-East. Farzad goes into closed nations with the Truth of Jesus' love, demonstrating our Father's heart and winning many of Arab backgrounds to Jesus as Savior. When the world abandoned Afghanistan,,Farzad went in joyfully with the Good News. He goes into other nations where westerners can not go. Here he shares first-hand, amazing testimonies of many coming to Jesus. Contact the office for more information. You can donate and help today by going to Call 704-225-3927 or email

Dr. Carol Chawla is a graduate of the CMM College of Theology and one of our outstanding CMM Ordained Ministers serving in Thailand. The Lord has given Carol great insight to help many become debt-free and others how break free from loan sharks. Hear powerful testimonies of the Lord showing people through Carol how to hear the Holy Spirit and gain breakthroughs through obedience.

Help Earthquake Victims in Nepal Facing Cold Winter-Many Lost Everything! is receiving donations to help CMM member Dhan Lama bring hope, aid and Jesus to victims facing the cold winter.
Have you heard about the recent earthquake in Nepal?
On November 6, Jajarkot district in the far west was struck by an earthquake, affecting over 23,000 families. Sadly, 204 people lost their lives, and 13,477 houses completely collapsed. This tragedy occurred right at the start of winter, leaving families homeless, hungry, and without proper warm clothing.
It's heartbreaking, and we've prayed for resources to assist them. These are extremely impoverished people, now starving and freezing.
I am knocking on your doors and seeking your prayers and support to aid families who have lost everything, including loved ones. I've hand-picked 127 families in desperate need. With just USD 40, we can provide a relief pack for one family, offering them hope for a fresh start.

Dr Nancy Daniel shares at Panel Discussion French Speaking Nations Prophetic Conference (English_French)
Burkina Faso, Chad, Congo DRC, Cameroun, Angola, Togo, Cote D'Ivory, France, Belgium, and Switzerland.

Thanksgiving and Christmas Gifts for CMM Orphans and Victims of war or natural disasters!
We all have so much to be thankful for! Share your love, hope, and blessings in Christ with vulnerable victims, families and orphans this Thanksgiving and Christmas with your CMM Global Family. Just imagine the joy and big smiles on the precious faces of children and vulnerable victims of war or natural disasters in the nations as you share Abba's heart with love, hope, and generosity. Thank you from our hearts to yours.

Tom Burns shares with French Speaking Nations Prophetic Conference (English_French)
Burkina Faso, Chad, Congo DRC, Cameroun, Angola, Togo, Cote D'Ivory, France, Belgium, and Switzerland.

Thanksgiving and Christmas Gifts for CMM Orphans and Victims of war or natural disasters!
We all have so much to be thankful for! Share your love, hope, and blessings in Christ with vulnerable victims, families and orphans this Thanksgiving and Christmas with your CMM Global Family. Just imagine the joy and big smiles on the precious faces of children and vulnerable victims of war or natural disasters in the nations as you share Abba's heart with love, hope, and generosity. Thank you from our hearts to yours.

Dr Nancy Daniel - Shares strong Truth with Inspiring hope so needed now.
English and French Speaking Nations Prophetic Conference (English_French)
Burkina Faso, Chad, Congo DRC, Cameroun, Angola, Togo, Cote D'Ivory, France, Belgium, and Switzerland.

Thanksgiving and Christmas Gifts for CMM Orphans and Victims of war or natural disasters!
We all have so much to be thankful for! Share your love, hope, and blessings in Christ with vulnerable victims, families and orphans this Thanksgiving and Christmas with your CMM Global Family. Just imagine the joy and big smiles on the precious faces of children and vulnerable victims of war or natural disasters in the nations as you share Abba's heart with love, hope, and generosity. Thank you from our hearts to yours.

Indira Persad - French Speaking Nations Prophetic Conference (English_French)
Burkina Faso, Chad, Congo DRC, Cameroun, Angola, Togo, Cote D'Ivory, France, Belgium, and Switzerland.

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