Look at all Our Father's Gifts! We are Created for Overcoming by Faith! Born for Joy! What a great weekend with great Father's Heart speakers David Harwood (wife Elaine) and David Bates (wife Michelle), hosted by John Heiss (wife Maryanne) at Wellspring Fellowship in Martinsville, VA. Jorge and Anna Marie were so blessed by the love and authenticity and thankful for such loving hospitality from our hosts. It was a true love explosion of unity and hearts united so the Father can command the blessing. Psalm 133. https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/cmmworld/episodes/2024-03-20T07_46_45-07_00
Jorge Parrott 'Stay in the RIver and stay out of the weeds!' at the Miracle Cente, hosted by Scott Wallis What is the Lord showing us in this season? Jorge shares about staying in the River of God and staying out of the weeds (time bandits, distractions, busyness etc) from the heart fresh revelation and precious testimonies of Abba's miracle working power available to all who believe. Watch, pray, like, comment, and share far and wide for refreshing encouragement and divine hope for the days ahead.
***Jorge begins speaking at 4:05
Thank you Prophet Scott and Cecile Wallis for your love and great hospitality. https://youtu.be/F7jHj50yzkg
Dr David, Beautiful Ministry Campus Success and Lives Changed! Help us pay off the balance! Dr. David is amazing. Dr. David's ministry has bought a property with three buildings in their city—a Christian neighborhood. David, his ministry and CMM share passionate hearts for excellence in education. We are blessed to bring training in ESL, (English as a second language) and GED's to those, who for several reasons did not finish high school. Thank you for your prayers and generosity. https://cmmworld.kindful.com/?campaign=1247333
Thank you CMM Partners for your prayers and generosity! Togther we can change lives for eternity! Praise God CMM has provided a new well in Uganda to provide safe, clean water to many in a rural area with safety for women and children, (avoiding sex violence), chance for education,(instead of hauling water for hours), longer, healthier lives and self-sustainability, AND MORE HEARING OF THE LIVING WATERS OF JESUS! Pray and give at https://cmm.world/water-for-the-thirsty/
Come join us in Martinsville, VA March 15 to 17th for the Father's Heart Conference. David Bates, David Harwood and I will be sharing, host JOHN HEISS. https://onrealm.org/WellspringFellowship/PublicRegistrations/Event?linkString=M2Q5Y2VhYjMtOGFjMy00MzMxLWJmOWMtYjExNDAwZmUxNWY4
New well URGENTLY NEEDED in Tanzania-Help CMM Save More Lives! Click here to learn more: https://cmmworld.kindful.com/?campaign=1242803 Yohana Mayiku, Tanzania, is a long-term, trusted, and reliable CMM Minister, winning many souls and discipling the saints with eternal transformation, even whole villages coming to know Jesus. We ask you to pray and share in the blessings that come from giving safe, clean water along with the living water of Jesus!
The new well will cost $1,500 and provide hundreds of people safe, clean water, helping them live longer and healthier, more productive lives!
CMM has done many wells with Yohana. He is faithful and a wise steward. Yohana has such a heart for the lost and represents the Father's heart so lovingly as he disciples them on an ongoing basis.
They often take hours daily to carry buckets of unsafe water to care for the families.
Please pray and ask the Lord if you are to help us to save lives and provide more wells and the living water.
Your Rapid Response LITERALLY SAVES LIVES Delivered Quickly by Your CMM Global Family!
Psalm 34:4-6 "I sought the Lord, and He heard me,
And delivered me from all my fears.
5 They looked to Him and were radiant,
And their faces were not ashamed.
6 This poor man cried out, and the Lord heard him,
And saved him out of all his troubles."
Thank you for your prayers as the ecclesia of the Lord in our CMM Global Family rallies in times of chaos and uncertainty by being the heart, feet, and hands of Jesus to bless and help those facing life-threatening crises in many nations. https://cmmworld.kindful.com/?campaign=1215863