4 Trafficked Girls in ICU -- Immediate Treatment Needed! India: Four of Joy's girls who were rescued from sex trafficking still require immediate treatment to drain their lungs from life threatening fluid buildup. Their lungs are 70% full of fluids and need to be drained immediately to save their lives. These girls are orphans and poorer than the poor and now Christians, the hospital where they are admitted refuses to administer any further procedures or medicines until the bills are prepaid. In effect, they are being held hostage until the hospital gets its money. Click here to help: https://donate.stripe.com/28o7uU3xKfGT2zK9AX
We need $3,000 to get them over this high hurdle and another $2,000 for their convalescence following. Two of the girls have already recovered enough to be released (there were 6 to begin with).
Please take the time today to prayerfully consider helping these dear precious girls who have suffered so much.
Watch new video class We all need to know more about dealing with pain, trials, and persecution. https://youtu.be/hSDy0MQ9bU8
Acts 14:22 says "...it is through many hardships and tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God." Let's see with Yahweh's eyes in the midst of chaos.
There are over 360 million people facing severe threats and persecution globally. Senseless violence, wars, global deception, and mind control are satan's plans, but not ours, as sons of God.
We are experiencing the largest mass migration in history! The Lord gives us great open doors of opportunity. These days are perfect for expanding the Kingdom of God!
His light shines brighter and brighter for those grounded in His Word and living in the Spirit. The Lord has shown me some amazing scriptures to deepen our understanding, grow deeper in His love, and stay in His peace. Please comment and share, and subscribe to get many more lessons for today's world!
Yohana is great soil. Pray and help him pay a $900 emergency medical bill. He is fine but needs help. https://donate.stripe.com/3cseXmgkw1Q37U44gzA long-term/ trusted/accountable CMM Missionary, Yohana evangelizes, disciples many. Help with evangelism, agriculture, drilling wells, orphans/widows.
We invite you to sign up for our free CMM Global Missions and Schools online newsletter. It's simple, fast, and free! Go to http://cmm.world homepage and enter your name and email address to stay updated from the global vineyards of the Lord from our trusted, embedded, and fruitful ministers spreading revival and reformation in 70 nations. While you're there, check out our beautiful online magazine with great articles and updates from 2024 and prophetic words for 2025. Please share this with friends, family, and churches.
Their livers have swollen so large that their bellies are grossly protruding. They need to be tested to correctly ascertain the type of hepatitis they are dealing with. All of the medical attention has to be done with great secrecy, as the authorities are after these girls for leaving their prior lives of bondage.
We were forced to send Pastor Joy and a small group of pastors to rescue them by boat as the flood waters inundated their home. During their flight to the rooftop, 6 of the girls were infected with hepatitis from the dirty floodwater. They must have had open cuts or sores or mistakenly drank some of the water. We need $2,500.00 to save their lives. https://christsmandate.blogspot.com/2025/01/pray-for-rescued-sex-slaves-in-india.html
Part Two of Prophetic Word for 2025 https://christsmandate.blogspot.com/2024/12/seeing-walking-and-thriving-in-2025.html It Is Time To Become One
As Jesus Prayed For Us
In John 17, we learn about our yet unfulfilled marching orders. We each have a personal responsibility to fulfill our purpose for being born. The seven spirits of God are ready. We may not have been ready, but now we are! Out of the necessity of the last season of chaos, control, and division, the Lord prepares His bride, remnant, and ecclesia, who are single-minded and have learned to guard their heart and their tongue.
"Read this new word for 2025 at https://christsmandate.blogspot.com/2024/12/2025-is-year-of-oneness-as-we-grow.html Heaven responds when we are pressed into battle, go beyond ourselves, and join with the Lord, praying and prophesying what He says and sees with our fellow believers' unified, as One with His firey voice of glory overshadowing all earthly matters. "
We saw it in the elections! We contend in the faith and can never grow complacent or lukewarm!