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Many books are written, and many commentaries made on women in ministry. This blog is designed to open the dialogue to understand the heart of the Father and His intent for His creation.

Next Week!! APRIL 21-22.

Join us in this zoom webinar TRAUMA to TRUST with a certified Arno Temperament Instructor. To understand how temperament may affect how trauma is processed. They will share strategies and truths that will empower you to overcome.

CMM Theology, presents Pastor Stefania Della-Santa, "Crossing Over in Fire" Pastor Stefania teaches on the book of Joshua and so much more. This is a timely word for the body of Christ. Many have not adequately prepared in a season of consecration
Help us put a stop to human trafficking, child marriages, and violence against the women and children of Nepal.
CMM & New Light Nepal, through education and financial assistance, we also empower women, instilling a sense of worth within them.

Please pray and ask the Lord if you are to help us to save lives and provide more wells. Praise Report - New well in Tanzania - Help CMM Save More Lives!

Dr. Louis Blom, CMM Asst. Missions Director on "Helping Fulfill the Great Commission" Part 1
We are excited and thankful for Dr. Louis Blom's heart for African nations. Judea Harvest is a powerful ministry with 35,000 churches in 30 nations in Africa. Hear and learn more about Judea Harvest and Christ's Mandate for Missions working together in this important season for the glory of the Lord. Welcome Jackie Geresimdes, minister joining to help in areas of ministry, media, and mission trips.

Returning To Your First Love-Daily!
1 John 4:19, Jer. 33:3, Eph. 3:12, Rev. 2:5, Rev. 2:26-28. Do not quit or give into the weariness of daily life but cast your eyes onto Jesus in His boundless love for you and yours. Walk in the fullest of hope found in Christ alone! Life, comment, follow and share with those needing encouragement today. We overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony!

Returning To Your First Love-Daily!
Do not quit or give into the weariness of daily life but cast your eyes onto Jesus in His boundless love for you and yours. Walk in the fullest of hope found in Christ alone! Life, comment, follow and share

Happy Resurrection Day! Asking Hard Questions-The Lord Is WaitingYou may have hard questions. The Lord loves you right where you are. Ask Him anything and experience His remarkable presence as He runs to meet you. Like, comment, follow, and share.

Mark 16:6
Don’t be alarmed,” he told them. “You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has been resurrected! He is not here! See the place where they put Him.

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