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CMM College of Theology is Led by the Holy Spirit to go Higher Each Year! Now accepting applications! We have to submit, yield and surrender to the Lord of the Harvest, to grow in all He has for each of us! The Holy Spirit is the best teacher! Generations, cultures, and many streams come together for the experiential, revelatory discovery of the seven Spirits of God. People from all walks of life join together to ascend the Mountain of the Lord from all the seven mountains. Jesus said 'Go into all the world!' Now accepting applications for the 2023-2024 with graduation in June 3, 2023. Contact us to set up a one on one or two Zoom call to get all your questions answered. 704-909-0623 PLEASE SHARE WITH FRIENDS AND FAMILY AND CHURCHES!

Happy Pentecost Sunday! Believe and Receive the Holy Spirit as we move Into His glorious revelation and promises. Deep cries unto deep!

What Are Missions in 2023? The Supernatural Life Walking In The Spirit! Kamran Yaraei interviews Jorge Parrott Part 1 Enjoy and hang out with Jesus and Kamran, and Jorge as Jorge shares how the Lord called him out of business into Missions. Follow us at and visit our website at Psalm 139:16 "Before the foundation of the world, all the days of my life were written in Your Book."

Robert Bimba CMM College of Theology Class Shares Powerfully Heaven's Blueprints To Empower Farmers and Transform Liberia

Obedience Drives Brother F. who Is Called To Follow the Lord Alone, Not The Crowd. Miracles! Brother F. shares about obedience at all costs and not moving in fear but in 'love, power and sound mind.' He shares about sharing the Jesus film in a mosque! Every word in the Bible is true! Proclaim what the Lord says! Let the Lord show His Power! Our place in society as a Son of God, a King, a Priest is so needed! Pray and sow into F's current work in closed nations and ask the Lord how much He wants you to sow into reaching those who don't know Jesus yet.

'Clarity Or Trust? Going above the stormy chaos to discern the times and the spirits! Winning Always!' How do we see, discern, move, stay in rest and peace while we fight with faith in this season of increasing spiritual warfare? The Lord has us right where He wants us! Jesus is a lamp unto our feet. Step by step, trusting our Lord is vital for us to see and understand what's next.

The Faith of God Is Available! Believing The Way The Lord Created Us To Believe! (English and Telagu) Share With Telagu Speakers The Faith of God Is Available! Mark 11 Keys To Transformation! Believing The Way The Lord Created Us To Believe! (English and Telagu) Share With Telagu Speakers.

CMM Theology, MTh 2023 candidate Kevin Hall presents her final work on "Christology-An Argument Against Gnosticism and Universalism." At CMM College of Theology, we are always blessed with many students from many nations, backgrounds, and streams. Listen, like, comment, and share with friends, family, and churches. For more info, go to . Accepting applications for the next school year starting in September 2023.

CMM Theology, MTh 2023 candidate Angie Currin presents her final work on "FEAR OF THE END OF DAYS." At CMM College of Theology we are always blessed with many students from many backgrounds and streams. Here Masters student Angie Currin shares a powerful dissertation presentation on the "Feat of the end of days.' Listen, like, comment, and share with friends and family and churches. For more info go to . Accepting applications for the next school year starting in September, 2023.
Christians Are Vulnerable In This Pakistani Community-Help Them With Their Own Water Well.
Christians are being ignored and neglected by the government. Christian community leaders and their families are still waiting for electrical power to be installed and walking 2 kilometers to gather clean water to drink and protect their families from stomach sicknesses and different kinds of skin issues.

Free Class - TOMORROW 10am
Register Here for Zoom Link
90 minutes class with Mahreen and CMM College of Theology.

'Dr Jorge Parrott, CMM Theology Doctoral Class-The Narrow Way-The Ancient Paths Jer. 6:16 CEB The Lord proclaims:
Stop at the crossroads and look around;
ask for the ancient paths.
Where is the good way?
Then walk in it and find a resting place for yourselves. Is the Lord calling you to go higher in His Word and Spirit? Pray and check out '

CMM Theology MTh 2023, Brad Kimberlin presents " GETTING TO KNOW GOD AND HIS KINGDOM."CMM Theology, MTh 2023 candidate Brad Kimberlin presents his final work on " GETTING TO KNOW GOD AND HIS KINGDOM." Brad and his wife Sharon are both ordained CMM Ministers. Like, comment, follow, and share with friends and family who are interested in earning their degree from right where they are with classes online globally. Go to to learn more and apply today for upcoming September classes.

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