Pray and Support Miracle Conference in Pakistan-7,000 Attending-200 Pastors-Glory!
Pakistan is full of people hungry for the love of Jesus and the miracles that follow the preaching of His living Word.. You can be a part of a mighty move of God in July. Jorge has been invited to speak at a conference in Pakistan to be broadcast worldwide in Urdu and English on July 13th at noon EDT with 7,000 in attendance led by 200 pastors. We are so blessed to have seen many miracles by the grace of our Lord and the power of the Holy Spirit. Goal: $1,500.00 Please pray about supporting this miracle crusade for telling remote villages and the transportation and feeding the 200 leaders for two days by sowing a seed for souls and miracles!
Avi Misrachi carries the mantle of a leading Rabbi, Daniel S. Zion, in his native Bulgaria, who in working with an Orthodox priest, saved thousands of Jews in WW2. This rabbi openly believed in Jesus as Messiah, as did Avi, leader of Dugit,org Ministries in Israel. For several generations, the rich legacy and heritage have continued through this well-respected Messianic leader in their church, prayer tower, coffee shop, and evangelistic outreaches providing humanitarian aid to many every week. Avi and his family and ministry welcome many Jews making Aliyah to Israel as the Great Harvest and salvation of Israel marches forward. CMM is a regular supporter of Avi and Dugit. As the Lord leads, join with many CMM Partners who pray for and support Dugit through CMM.
CMM Doctorate of Theology - Dr. Anita Alexander shares greetings and encouragement to all CMM College of Theology students.
Let the Holy Spirit put wings to your knowledge, he will take you to unreachable places with the message that you are carrying. In these uncertain times, we have to be honest, they are exiting, challenging, and for many they are uncertain times. The Lord is wanting to share with you how to posture your heart in this season.
Now taking applications 2023-2024.
#College #Hope #Biblestudy #Biblical #BachelorsDegree #MastersDegree #Theology #StudyNow #whatislove #everyone
Nadira Nagy will be helping us expand the business portion of the the Master of Ministry degee.
Nadira Nagy has three beautiful children with her husband Alan of 17 years. After 10 years in corporate america, she was called out radically to serve God. Nadira Nagy worked for an international ministry four years, then transitioned to education. She is currently teaching High School students Entrepreneurship, a course she helped create and developed which started in 2018. She also teaches Biblical worldview and is the Guidance Advisor to a k-12 private school. She is the Youth Minister Assistant Director at her local church. Her passion is to see the body of Christ at large in love with the secret place. Cultivating a lifestyle of holiness that will pour from the inside out, to impact the Nations for the message of Jesus Christ.
"CMM College of Theology is happy to announce a new degree being offered in Christian Counseling. There is so much trauma in the world the last few years and we all need the Lord, His Word and Holy Spirit comfort and wisdom each day. We are blessed to have Dr. Cindy Johnson lead this exciting new offering. Dr. Cindy has over 30 years of study and practical experience helping with excellent, holistic healing and comfort in seeing many find peace and freedom in knowing their identity in Christ. Watch and learn more about it. Email and check out and apply at
Nadira Nagy will be helping us expand the business portion of the the Master of Ministry degee.
Nadira Nagy has three beautiful children with her husband Alan of 17 years. After 10 years in corporate america, she was called out radically to serve God. Nadira Nagy worked for an international ministry four years, then transitioned to education. She is currently teaching High School students Entrepreneurship, a course she helped create and developed which started in 2018. She also teaches Biblical worldview and is the Guidance Advisor to a k-12 private school. She is the Youth Minister Assistant Director at her local church. Her passion is to see the body of Christ at large in love with the secret place. Cultivating a lifestyle of holiness that will pour from the inside out, to impact the Nations for the message of Jesus Christ.
Mado Wildrianne in Oviedo, Spain long term friend and faithful CMM family member for decades.
"CMM College of Theology is happy to announce a new degree being offered in Christian Counseling.
There is so much trauma in the world the last few years and we all need the Lord, His Word and Holy Spirit comfort and wisdom each day. We are blessed to have Dr. Cindy Johnson lead this exciting new offering. Dr. Cindy has over 30 years of study and practical experience helping with excellent, holistic healing and comfort in seeing many find peace and freedom in knowing their identity in Christ. Watch and learn more about it. Email and check out and apply at
YOU Are Invited To Join Our Father's Heart In Reaching Every Tribe and Tongue With The Love of Jesus By Becoming A Monthly CMM Partner!
Your Call To Action! Join the Lord and partner with Him. Every day YOUR CMM Global Family reaches the lost, encouraging the vulnerable, building thriving Christian communities and fellowships, and equipping the saints until 'we all come into the full stature of Christ.' (Eph. 4:13)
Remember the joy you felt when you first came to Jesus? YOUR prayers and monthly giving help CMM Teams and Missionaries win souls, disciple the saints, expand the Kingdom of God, and destroy the works of the enemy.
Since we are reaching the very poor, YOUR involvement is priceless (at times, even saving lives is at stake) for our staff and many missionaries and volunteers working tirelessly to lay down their lives and follow the Lord's calling.
Find your voice... it can shift culture and kingdom and future generations.
Now taking applications 2023-2024.
#College #Hope #Biblestudy #Biblical #BachelorsDegree #MastersDegree #Theology #StudyNow #whatislove #everyone