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The anointing is given to those with a humble spirit. It is given not for ourselves but for the Lord's purposes in expanding His love and authority and sharing in carrying His burden for His people and purposes in expanding the Kingdom in the earth.
Then I will come down and talk with you there. I will take of the Spirit that is upon you and will put the same upon them; and they shall bear the burden of the people with you, that you may not bear it yourself alone. Num 11:17 NKJV

And when He had called His twelve disciples to Him, He gave (Grk. DIDOMAI) them power (Grk. DUNAMIS) over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease. Matt 10:1-2 NKJV

Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord: Heb 12:14 NKJV
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Now taking applications 2023-2024. Share this with your church, friends, and family.
Spiritual Formation is messy! It is being a life-long disciple of Christ that transforms us into His image!
Classes in English, Spanish, Thai, Burmese.
Connect with the heart of the Lord and folks from different streams and church backgrounds and cultures globally! The Remnant may be small but it is so powerful!

Many of our CMM Pastors and Evangelists lost their houses in India Floods.

Because of heavy rains flooded all the areas in South India. Many of our Pastors and Evangelists lost their houses and everything they have and facing many problems and troubles in this time.

Pastor Kiran Babu lost everything in this floods. Now we are requesting CMM Partners' help us to rebuild his house. For this he needs $ 600 USD. Please pray and extend your helping hand and generous financial support as the Lord leads to rebuild Pastor Kiran’s house and show the God’s Love in this hard times.

We are also planning to give emergency food support for forty Pastors and Evangelists those who are facing many problems in this floods. Brother we are planning to give $12.00 USD for each Pastor to survive for ten days along with his family in this hard times. This help will give emergency support for forty Pastors and evangelist we need $480.00 USD.

Amazing fellowship, ingenious Holy Spirit-led business entrepreneurship, and powerful testimonies of many miracles in these hungry and fruitful friends in Sardinia. Marco and Sylvia are personal trainers and parents to three amazing children. They prayed and dreamed of a single property where they could raise their family, house their business and gym and have a church! They sought and trusted the Lord and Jesus, the Breaker, showed Himself strong. A series of 'only God can do these things' followed and here they are one year later in this amazing answer to prayer. We heard many amazing testimonies of the love and power of God. Even one woman who had serious health issues for 32 years had been healed just recently! Many of these Beautiful hearts knit together in this birthing place of Goshens and lives being transformed together as One.
NETS 3 Stewards Of The Mysteries Of God Session 10 Comings Of The Lord - Enjoy the rich wisdom and anointing Lloyd carries and releases after many decades in ministry and missions. Lloyd has traveled the globe far and wide and understand the culture of the Kingdom very well as it applies to ethnos and cultures in many nations.
Dr. Lloyd Phillips is a long-term friend and a graduate of CMM College of Theology. Lloyd is the founder of a global ministry. We know his wise teaching will bless you. Lloyd is a valued strategic partner of Family. Lloyd has traveled to many nations for many years and offers keen insight for those in ministry and missions. Please like, comment, follow and share this series.
Urgent Need For A Well In Uganda-Save Lives, Help People Live Longer, and Avoid Risk of Crime and Sexual Abuse.
Our goal is to raise these funds by October 4th.
The cost in Uganda currency is UGX 32,500,000 or in USD $8,800. Pray and ask the Lord what is His best gift for you to give to bless these precious friends in Uganda.

We in the West take safe water for granted too often. In Nsoola Namutumbe District, Uganda, clean water sources are scarce, and communities often rely on contaminated water from rivers, ponds, or open wells. This risk exposes children and families to waterborne diseases: diarrhea, cholera, dysentery, and typhoid, which can be life-threatening, especially for young children.
This lack of access to clean water often forces children to stay at home to collect water or suffer from waterborne illnesses. By having this well, children can attend school regularly, improving their educational outcomes and future prospects.
NETS 3 Stewards Of The Mysteries Of God Session 9 The Hope Of Eternity - Enjoy the rich wisdom and anointing Lloyd carries and releases after many decades in ministry and missions. Lloyd has traveled the globe far and wide and understand the culture of the Kingdom very well as it applies to ethnos and cultures in many nations.
Dr. Lloyd Phillips is a long-term friend and a graduate of CMM College of Theology. Lloyd is the founder of a global ministry. We know his wise teaching will bless you. Lloyd is a valued strategic partner of Family. Lloyd has traveled to many nations for many years and offers keen insight for those in ministry and missions. Please like, comment, follow and share this series.
Deep Dive in Ephesians 2 with Many CMM Pastors in India-(English and Telugu) Jorge shares solid Biblical foundations monthly with several hundred of our CMM Ordained Ministers in India with two major ministries reaching the lost and discipling fruitful ministers. (Share with friends and family who speak Telugu.)
Today we have a panel of interviewers on Part 2 that are all close friends of fellow CMM Ordained Minister, Fernando Figueroa who bravely risks his life and fellow team members of ATB, (Anti-Trafficking Bureau) in the Dominican Republic. Interviewing panel: Jackie Gerasimidis, John and Rebecca DeRienzo. Watch and pray and share to raise awareness and support as the Lord leads.

Today we have a panel of interviewers on Part 1 - Fernando Figueroa who bravely risks his life and fellow team members of ATB, (Anti-Trafficking Bureau) in the Dominican Republic. Pray and share to raise awareness and support as the Lord leads.
NETS 3 Stewards Of The Mysteries Of God Session 6 The Birth Of Jesus The Passover Lamb - Enjoy the rich wisdom and anointing Lloyd carries and releases after many decades in ministry and missions. Lloyd has traveled the globe far and wide and understand the culture of the Kingdom very well as it applies to ethnos and cultures in many nations.
Dr. Lloyd Phillips is a long-term friend and a graduate of CMM College of Theology. Lloyd is the founder of a global ministry. We know his wise teaching will bless you. Lloyd is a valued strategic partner of Family. Lloyd has traveled to many nations for many years and offers keen insight for those in ministry and missions. Please like, comment, follow and share this series.
NETS 3 Stewards Of The Mysteries Of God Session 5 I Would Not Have You Ignorant - Enjoy the rich wisdom and anointing Lloyd carries and releases after many decades in ministry and missions. Lloyd has traveled the globe far and wide and understand the culture of the Kingdom very well as it applies to ethnos and cultures in many nations.
Dr. Lloyd Phillips is a long-term friend and a graduate of CMM College of Theology. Lloyd is the founder of a global ministry. We know his wise teaching will bless you. Lloyd is a valued strategic partner of Family. Lloyd has traveled to many nations for many years and offers keen insight for those in ministry and missions. Please like, comment, follow and share this series.

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