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2024-25 CMM Theology Bachelor Class 37 Second Preview! Here's a quick overview of the upcoming Bachelor's class for the 2034-25 Bachelor's Class with CMM College of Theology. Visit to learn more. Email to set up a video-call to have all your questions answered.

CMM's Master of Ministry Degree 2024- 2025 CMM's MMIN is more than a degree. It is a partnership with the student and their destiny. This innovative and revelatory course dials in with targeted, actionable steps to bring your vision to life. The outcome of this course is to bring your business or ministry to life.

We Stand With Israel-Help CMM Bless Members and Friends in Israel, Refugees and Care for IDF Families and Those Affected by War! CMM loves Israel and God's promises and purposes in the Holy Land. Help us care for victims of war along with trusted CMM friends feeding the poor, providing needed equipment for the IDF, refugees making Aliyah, and key ministry members of CMM who live and serve in Israel

Costa Rican pastors learning about Ecuador CMM Facultad de Teología

CMM's Master of Ministry Degree 2024- 2025 CMM's MMIN is more than a degree. It is a partnership with the student and their destiny. This innovative and revelatory course dials in with targeted, actionable steps to bring your vision to life. The outcome of this course is to bring your business or ministry to life.

Giving and Scholarships for Deserving Students Globally To Earn Their Christian Accredited Degree. Learn more:
Holy Spirit illuminates Truth (Jn 14; Ps 119:46;) as we inquire, meditate, and obey, God enlarges in our lives; (Ps 1:7; Rom 10:17) We are transformed by the encounter (Rom 12:2; Cor 3:18)

Combining the Spirit and the Word in higher education, CMM College of Theology is dedicated to developing emerging leaders in many nations with strong knowledge and understanding of the living Word mixed with Faith. CMM maintains its standards of academic excellence through your private support and gifts. Thank you for joining others who share this vision and would like to become partners in advancing the mission of CMM College of Theology. You know when you buy something on Amazon or Ebay, or look for a place to eat on Yelp, peer reviews are a great way to make an informed decision. Watch and listen to these voices of dear graduates from various nations and degree levels. Check out more at cmmtheology dot org

Take The Tour In 33 Seconds! CMM College of Theology APPLY NOW! Share with friends and family who are seeking transformation in an exciting, experiential, revelatory environment with fellow students from the nations. Get prepared!
Video by Ganbold; Music by: SAM

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