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I value all things only by the price they shall gain in eternity.

-John Wesley

Lutherans gave me a love for the Bible.
Pentecostals, a love for the Spirit.
Reformed, a theology of the atonement.
Congregationalists, a view of church government.
Baptists, a method of baptism.
Methodists, lessons on prayer.
Catholics, GK Chesterton.

I’m a theological mutt.

It's not in the public sphere that God's leaders are made.
It's in the private times, alone with Him.

10am. Steak, egg, bacon, sausage. What's fellow carnivore @sinbach having for breakfast?

Glad the number of 'non-religious' has gone up here in the UK.
It's hard to share the Gospel with those who think they're already Christian.

'Behold, his head shall be thrown to you over the wall.'
-A Wise Woman

2 Samuel 20.21

'After theology, I give to music the highest place and greatest honour.'

 -Martin Luther

‘He has covered his face with fatness and gathered fat upon his waist.’

-Job 15.27

Anyone care to name it and claim it?

Facebook friend posted this today.
THIS! is why we started DingDash.

In a free society, it's often much easier to criticise external structures, movements, churches, politicians, etc, than it is to identify and repent of our own sin.

'A violent storm arose... and each called to his own god.'
-Jonah 1

It's when violent storms hit that we find out who our true gods are.

‘If I never spoke of hell, I should look on myself as an accomplice of the devil.’

-J. C. Ryle

Over 2 billion people have never heard the gospel once while some have heard it hundreds of times.

Is there any greater ‘justice’ issue that Christians must face?

'The Christian church sings...from inner necessity it sings. It's the highest form of expression...the church which doesn't sing isn't the church. Where it doesn't really sing but sighs & mumbles it is only a troubled community which is not sure of its cause.'

-Karl Barth

I wouldn't worry too much about kids missing a year of school.

My generation never missed even a month of school and look how badly we've screwed things up.

Instead of saying ‘I don’t have time to pray’, say ‘It’s not a priority’.

At least then we’re being honest.

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