I am a Messianic believer. I believe that Yeshua is the Messiah of Israel. I observe Holy days. I've been hearing from within Messianic circles things that are error. Teaching that go directly against scripture. God's heart is grieved. It is so important to stay close to the LORD. He will never disagree with His word-EVER. There are things that haven't been translated clearly, but God doesn't contradict His word. Many will be deceived and fall away because of their own lusts and desires.


@kdhartfiel I'm curious, what things do they teach that are in error?

@Justinmartyr also, I love Messianic Judaism and it is my life, but if people are not going to teach what the scriptures are saying, I do not want to be under that ministry.

@Justinmartyr sorry, DingDash only lets me do so much and I can be wordy. 😀
I just wanted to clarify that we are grafted in, but to say that Yeshua only died for the lost 10 tribes is not correct. Plus, what about the 2 other tribes in Israel themselves? This is indicating that they don't need Yeshua to find salvation. This is from the pit of hell. OK, done with my rant. LOL!

@kdhartfiel yes, "Christ died for all" and "God desires all to be saved." All refers to all races.

@Justinmartyr it is not everyone. I attend a Messianic congregation. This is what I'm called to do.
But, there are some people that are not teaching about hell correctly and that Yeshua only died for the lost 10 tribes. I guess they mean that we can be grafted in, but this is very much in opposition to the scriptures.
They are getting their information from sources that I don't have any peace about. Various writings and rabbi's commentaries, etc.

@kdhartfiel @Justinmartyr
What's so utterly sad, is that we are called unto a person... Yeshua. We are called to live IN him and him IN us. His word IS clear. And yet we get all these side roads, leading us to ditches. Father have mercy

@Rinati boy, is that true. It's unbelievable how people will let the scriptures get cluttered up because of their own dirty filters in their minds. This is why the Lord says to renew our minds by the washing of the water of the Word. It's obvious that there are many people that are not doing this. I do pray for them, though.

Yes we must pray for our brothers and sisters...always

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