
Paul says the word of the cross is the power of God unto salvation. Miracles are not the power of God that saves us, neither divine healings. Only at calvary when we are taken to its hill, and when we see Christ as the atonement as our sins do we recieve the power of God that saves us. Do you know that no revival can come except through the preaching of the cross in the power of God, and only a people that pray and hear and obey Gods voice receive the power to preach the Gospel. My dear friends, many can preach the Gospel, but not in Gods power for salvation. You only recieve the power of God to preach the Gospel through prayer if you obey Gods voice. Many preach the Gospel but it has no life changing power. This is not due to the Gospel but due to the vessel. Not all vessels hold rivers of living water, neither do all believers. Only a Holy people can be filled with the Holy Ghost for both are Holy. May we pray for revival and see the conditions necessary for it.

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