@Asianking Hello, the indigenous people here in my country, Colombia are very similar in culture and physical appearance to those in northeast india https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fsostenibilidad.semana.com%2Fimpacto%2Farticulo%2Flos-embera-en-risaralda-en-medio-de-la-reintegracion-y-la-paz%2F38639&psig=AOvVaw3hOsepGAssnhJXArgck9vd&ust=1597623403296000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAIQjRxqFwoTCLjHyZS5nusCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAP
@julieluna_89 @Asianking That is interesting Julie, as I have a good amount of native from the Americas, I have also DNA from Argentina AND INDIA.
@julieluna_89 Are you native Julie?
@julieluna_89 My daughter-in-law has Mestizo dna.
@KarMarJo57 do you live in the States?
@KarMarJo57 No, I am mixed race to spaniards, indigenous and african ancestors, we call it mestizo, most of the population of my country is mixed race