
We are living during the buying season.

They say that the time to invest in the stock market is when stock is dropping and everyone else is selling. When that happens, your emotions tell you to stay away or to get out of the market because it is failing. But experienced stock investors buy in those moments because they have faith that the stock market will rebound and they will make a profit for buying when the price was low.

I believe that we are living in a cultural moment when it seems that all is failing. Many Christians perceive a dark future. But I believe that we are at the brink of a great harvest.

Every day is the right time to sow the seeds of the Gospel but I believe we are living in a particular moment in history when God’s people will be highly rewarded for investing heavily in the kingdom of God.

It’s just a thought. It’s a hunch.

But when the rains come, make sure your garden has been tilled and sown with seed so that you don’t miss the harvest.

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