
I sent this email to the Calgary police dept in Canada. Here is their email address so you can write to them as well.

To The Calgary Police Department,

 I have witnessed the arrest of Pastor Arthur Pawlowski. I find it disgraceful and incredibly cowardly. What are you doing to your country? You are persecuting the people you should be protecting. What is wrong with your sense of justice? The Bible says that God put you in the position for government  "to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right." 1 Peter 2:14. Why are you punishing those who do right instead of commending them? Many people are suffering and many more will suffer if you continue to protect tyranny instead of the people. Today it is pastor Arthur, tomorrow it will be one of your comrades who falls out of favor with the tyrants. Choose this day whom you will serve (Joshua 24:15).


       Karl Gessler

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