
The Apostle Paul said to a
Congregation in Philippi: “...there wasn’t a single other church, except yourselves, that entered into a two-way partnership with me, giving and receiving.” (Philippians 4:15).

How much would our churches pay today to have the Apostle Paul come and preach? Talk about a headliner! Yet, in his own day, even many Christians were afraid to associate themselves too closely with Paul.

The faithful, mature, Church has ALWAYS been small. That doesn’t mean the church is small. Jesus described us as “sheep,” which is not flattering. But it is factual. Sheep need to be led. Don’t be discouraged if you feel alone or in the minority. If you are leading with courage and conviction, you are part of God’s “A team.” The Apostle Paul was also ostracized in his day. Today, billions of people read his words and attribute the status of “the word of God” to his letters. That is vindication!

Don’t look for the praise of men. To be praised by God is the prize.

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