
“But my righteous one will live by faith; And if he hesitates, my soul will not delight in him.”
Hebrews 10:38

What causes us to hesitate in our faith? Is it not fear and pain?

I don’t like pain. I’m afraid of it. If moving forward means that I will experience pain, I usually hesitate.

Pain is like a financial debt; it’s guaranteed to come due. The only choice we have in regard to pain or debts is when and how much we will pay. If we shrink back from faith, we will still experience pain. It may be down the road, but it will come. If we delay in paying what we owe, there will be a much higher price to pay down the road. Jesus asks us to trust Him with our pain today so that we will not be crushed by it in the future.

One of the most important gifts a father can give his son is the discipline to endure painful experiences for the sake of long-term benefit.

Our father cares about us, and so, He urges us to move bravely into the future and not to shrink back.

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