
"We call you to come to Jesus not because He is good, but because for you, He became sin. In this sense, Jesus is not above you, He is below you. In order to come to Him, you do not have the difficulty of climbing but the ease of descending.

How many sins have you committed in this life? Have you murdered a hundred men? Jesus has taken upon Himself the murder of millions. Have you committed ten robberies? Jesus has taken upon Himself thousands of robberies. How many adulteries have you committed? Jesus has taken upon Himself the sexual impurity of millions. So with lies, and will all other sin.

There has never been a greater murderer, thief, robber, or liar than Jesus Christ--not in the sense that He committed these offenses Himself, but that, in a more profound way, He took them upon Himself. They are His!
It is easy to come to Jesus."
—Richard Wurmbrand ✝️

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