Growing up in the Bible-belt, I have often heard Christians say, “I’m just a sinner saved by grace.” But now I keep hearing “Christians can’t have demons because the perfect Holy Spirit resides in us.” So, the Holy Spirit doesn’t have the power to change your unholy lifestyle but He will keep demons at bay? Is that the message?
“The blood does not cleanse us while we walk in the dark.” (1 John 1:7). Strange as it may seem, the demonic pressures Satan directs against us my actually work for our good. They can serve as reminders of our need to walk before God in moment-by-moment obedience. Perhaps this is one reason God permits them.” —Derek Prince
"Spirit Animals" have become common terminology, and many people, including myself, have spoken light-heartedly about what might be "my" spirit animal. But the wild story I have to share with you today should serve as a strong warning against adopting spirit animals. These animals are real!
“So don't allow sin to rule in your mortal body to make you obey it's desires.” Romans 6:12 NTE
Christians say the devil can't “make” them do anything because the Holy Spirit lives in them. But the apostle Paul warns us not to “allow” sin to “rule.” The one who “rules” is the one who is in charge. Satan will rule us if we “allow” him. If this wasn't the case, Paul would never write this sentence. And when you or I “allow sin to rule,” satan can make us do things we wouldn't normally do, like over-eat, drink too much, scream at the spouse or kids, harbor irrational fears, or even self-harm.
If Christians allow sin, we allow the devil to rule us.
Solution? Renounce the sin. Kick out the devil.
This event is coming up fast:
When you present your eyes to the television or website, you subject yourself to whatever comes from the screen.
When you present you body parts to a prostitute, you become a slave of the sin of that activity.
When you give your ears to music, you subject yourself to the message it preaches.
When you present your hands to do unclean things, your hands become owned by unclean things.
These are laws of the universe that govern Christians and non-christians alike. If you are presenting your body as a slave unclean things, you will have unclean spirits living inside you. End of story until you get deliverance.
“For just as you presented the parts of your body as slaves to impurity and to lawlessness, resulting in further lawlessness, so now present your body’s parts as slaves to righteousness, resulting in sanctification.” Romans 6:19
Here is another one of those controversial areas that deliverance ministry stirs up. This is an important and helpful teaching by Vlad Savchuck.
What are your thoughts?
Please, pray for Torben and Lene Sondergaard.
This video is extremely important for understanding how good Christians end up in moral failure, how demons enter into our lives at young ages, and how the homosexual world has come to be so prevalent. There are many "dark evangelists" as mentioned in this video. The only antidote is true evangelists WHO ALSO CAST OUT DEMONS.
Did you know that evil spirits can enter you even in your mother’s womb? The Bible says that the Holy Spirit entered John the Baptist in his mother’s womb (Luke 1:15). If the Holy Spirit can enter, it only stands to reason that an evil spirit can enter.
Do you feel unwanted? Unloved?
Many mothers are upset when they get pregnant. Fear, propaganda, pressure from their spouse or parents, financial pressures, and selfishness can lead a mother to resent their unborn child, opening the doors to spirits of rejection. Even though the mother may have a change of heart, the spirit of rejection can remain until it is kicked out in the name of Jesus.
You can be delivered from feeling unwanted, unloved, and not good enough.
Great instruction right here. Practical. Experienced.
Good Morning, Friends!
I am still learning that I am still learning how to do deliverance ministry effectively. I need to be more of a blood-hound in pursuing the enemy. We have an offensive ministry, after all, not defensive.
Demons love to hide because they don’t want to be evicted. I am beginning to see that once I know they are there, I must pursue them and drive them out. I am learning by trying and failing and then trying again. There is no other way.
I hope that you are trying too. Deliverance ministry is not for specialists; it’s for the Church.
Won't you join me on this journey?
Good Morning, Friends!
I want to share this podcast with you concerning Andy Stanley’s apparent affirmation of homosexual marriage. I believe the lack of teaching and belief in deliverance ministry is directly responsible for this tragic turn of the influential pastor.
I am a husband, father, worship leader, song-writer, missionary, and podcast host. I live in Western North Carolina, USA, from where my family and I share our life and music with the world.