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Sri Lanka boosted

team has taken few steps to empower the local communities. Producing food using sustainable technology including Aquaponics. Later stage the team will also teach low cost construction methods and Easy to learn clothing production as well.

Sri Lanka boosted

@sinbach @MaryMamuzich I am very sorry. We will pray for God's intervention and that God's blessing may rest on your entire family.

Sri Lanka boosted

@MaryMamuzich thank you so much for your prayers! They were sooo timely! Nobody knew this, but just yesterday, my wife had to start using crutches to walk. Arthritis in her knees is now so bad that she can't walk without them. She has tried every drug, natural remedy, exercise, therapy, shoe, and even had minor surgery - but all to no avail. it looks like she will need to have both knees completely replaced.
And my youngest son....he is making the incredibly difficult decision of whether to go into military intelligence or a special warfare unit. he has already been selected by both, so now he has to choose. you have NO idea how much your prayers mean to us. thank you for standing in the trenches for our family.

Sri Lanka boosted

Our farmers are working in their fields, Our restaurants are open ! Welcome to we do have challenges but

Coconut water was quite sweet, nut was our snack for the 5 hour session .

Our Elephant size problems are broken in to coconut size! 🥥 Praying and Discussing future strategies with the local leadership.

Sri Lanka boosted

@Lanka4Jesus thanks. I'll have to try it. Do you have to boil them first or just cook them in oil. I'll send a picture of the raised garden my husband made me soon. Since I was paralyzed from waist down and can't stand very long

Breakfast- Rice with Coconut- a Sinhalese recipe and add on Sambal made of onion, fish chunks and pepper 🌶

Atleast 2 people died while waiting to purchase Gas /petrol / Diesel from the outlets.

We are getting ready for our first system . Mentoring of local leaders will take place during the installation.

Sri Lanka boosted

Prayers are needed as this woman's testimony is changing lives!

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