I stand against GMO'S (Genetically Modified Organisms)... Stop trying to improve on God's design. Some of these have been introduced such as wheats that later caused massive damage even to normal crops and the gmo wheat died entirely. Nevermind that it is food that has now been messed up by man and therefore unhealthy for you.

@MaryMamuzich @Ctyree I'm not really against GMO's on principle, God did tell us to fill the earth and subdue it. What I am certain of is that we are not wise or mature enough to use the tools of genetic manipulation. The decision to genetically engineer a crop that could be around for millennia should be carefully considered for decades. I think we are slowly learning that there are no free lunches and that many of short-term benefits of GMO's aren't panning out long-term. Certainly label them!


@daniel @Ctyree
I agree.
I feel that good intentions get ran over with the love of money and shortcuts. I put my total trust in God.

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