Brother, I am thinking of leaving Ding Dash. It hasn't been a satisfying experience. However, I have appreciated you and want to say in touch with you. How can connect with you from time to time outside of Ding Dash?

Pablito boosted

Teresa's health update

Hi ding Dash brothers and sisters,

according to the doctors who are following Teresa, there is no way to intervene on her liver problem. Only a miracle can save her.

We continue to ask for your prayers. God bless you all. 🙏🙏🙏

Pablito boosted

@Berrybunchfamily that's great! I find experientially God does exactly what he says he would do in scripture, that is provide our needs because he had said he would, but it's a greater joy to see it and experience it with our own eyes.
I say that and now it's mine turn. We just had a accident where water overflowed and spilled through the floor down stairs into the below apartments. Oops 😬. We will have to pay so now pray for us! Thanks

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