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Thursday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Brokenness, discouragement, hopelessness and sorrow are the rewards of sin. Peace, Hope, Love and satisfaction are the rewards of following Jesus Christ! Jesus offers Hope to you

Wednesday evening War Update: As clouds darken and night falls, rest assured Christ is still the Answer! His promises are just as sure tonight as they were yesterday! Put your trust in Jesus and let Him lead you to victory! There is Hope for you!

Wednesday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Is the path you are walking down leadings you to God? There is only on way to Heaven and that is through Jesus Christ! Turn from your sins and seek the Lord! Jesus will set you free!

Tuesday evening War Update: Be not weary in doing what is right! Rest if you must but do not quit! This battle is the Lord’s! Keep praying, keep pressing on, keep encouraged and keep trusting in Christ Jesus! Christ is the answer!

Tuesday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! All power and glory belongs unto Jesus! He is the Strength and Hope of all that put their trust in Him! Have you put your trust in Jesus? All that I am or ever hope to be, Jesus is all that I need!

Monday evening War Update: It May appear that the enemy is winning on all sides, but it is just an appearance! Christ is on the verge of returning, Judgement is coming and God will destroy the enemy! Put your trust in Jesus tonight! Christ is the Answer!

Monday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! The cost of serving God may become great as our World succumbs to the enemy. Holding on to Christ will be worth it all! Christ is still the answer! Our God reigns yesterday, today and tomorrow!

Sunday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Bring your struggles and fears too Jesus and leave them there! Jesus is more than a problem solver, He is the Way Maker, Jesus will make a way for you, put your trust in Christ alone!

Saturday evening War Update: Many are trapped in deception and carelessness unable to see beyond the fog of war. Christians be on your guard, keep praying, keep encouraged in Jesus! Hold on for the King of Kings is coming!

Saturday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Is the path you are walking down, crowded with things and people, yet filled with hopelessness? Come unto Jesus Christ today! Give your life to Jesus and He will fill you with Hope and Peace!

There is a River that flows from Calvary for you and me! There is a healing stream of Hope and Love flowing for you tonight! Come just as you are! His blood has gone deeper than the stain of sin has gone! There is Hope for you!

Friday evening War Update: When everyone around you gives in to the enemy, cling to the Promise of Salvation by Grace! God’s hand is not shortened that He cannot save! Put your trust in Jesus Christ tonight, there is Hope for you!

Pinky1776 boosted

Guys I can't give any details and I will not be posting this information on any other forum, but this week is really important to us at BTJ. we have Chinese pastors that have traveled to be together for the first time since the pandemic started last year. It is amazing to be with them and in prayer with them, but we need to plan the best way to support the church in China for this year. We do not want our own ideas, agendas, and thoughts to pollute what God has for us. Please pray for the leading and the guiding of the Holy Spirit during this time.

Friday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! There is rest for the weary and strength for the weak, in Jesus Christ! Come all that are tired and feel hopeless, let Christ fill you a new! Rest if you must but do not quit in this battle for Truth!

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