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Saturday evening War Update: As the world reals with the chaos, deception and corruption from the enemy, we must make sure that we are grounded on the Rock! Come unto Jesus Christ tonight, and find in Christ the strength to press on!

Saturday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Consider your own life, are you walking in fellowship with the Lord? Your Creator wants a relationship with you! Come unto Jesus Christ today, let Him create in you a new heart!

Friday evening War Update: While the circumstances around are looking dismal and discouraging, be not dismayed God is continually working out His purpose! Jesus is not willing that any should perish but that all should have everlasting life!

Friday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Storms will come and damage will be done but God is greater than the storm! God will comfort those that put their trust in Him! Come unto Jesus Christ today! There is still Hope for you!

Thursday evening War Update: War can be a prickly situation but rest assured God has never lost a battle! God’s ways are higher than our ways! There is Hope for all that put their trust in Jesus Christ! Come unto Jesus Christ tonight, He loves you!

Pinky1776 boosted

@Berrybunchfamily Hi Andy!
Some names to be praying for this coming Friday:

Thursday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! There is Hope for the lost, strength for the weak, courage for the discouraged! Put your trust in Jesus Christ today! Jesus will not turn you away! Come just as you are, Jesus will give you everlasting life!

Wednesday evening War Update: There are no accidents with God only incidents! There are no coincidences with God only purposeful acts! With God there is a reason for everything! Put your trust in Jesus Christ tonight! Give your all to Him!

Wednesday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Sin will take you farther than you want to go and keep you longer than you want to stay. The blood of Jesus has gone deeper and the Grace of God reaches farther than the stain of sin!

Tuesday evening War Update: As the war rages on, you are just one step from eternity! Have you made any preparations to meet the Lord? Come unto Jesus Christ tonight, He is continually calling you! Victory could be yours tonight! Come as you are!

Tuesday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! The foundations of sin will always crumble under pressure but the foundation of Christ will hold firm! Place your trust in Jesus Christ! Build your life on the one true foundation Jesus Christ!

Monday evening War Update: If you are exhausted and weary, rest if you must but do not quit! If you are not a soldier of the Cross, come unto Jesus Christ tonight! Enlist in the Lord’s army, for righteousness and holiness!

Monday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! A new day, the beginning of another week, new battles and opportunities! Jesus is continually calling you unto Himself! Come all that are weary and He will give you rest!

Sunday evening War Update: The promises of God are given so you can rest and trust in His unseen hand! God’s promises are always relevant! Are you trusting, in your dark hour? Come unto Jesus Christ tonight! There is still Hope for you!

Sunday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! At the end of the dark night is the dawning of new morning! Christ is alive! He will give you the victory when you put your trust in Him! Come unto Jesus Christ today! There is still Hope for you!

Saturday evening War Update: War on any level takes careful preparation. Are you prepared for battle? To prepare: find and frequent the place of prayer, daily get into God’s Word. Put your trust in Jesus Christ tonight, let Him be your Guide!

Saturday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! There is victory and Hope for everyone that seeks the Lord! Come just as you are, give your burdens to Jesus! There is forgiveness through His blood, there is Hope in His Word! Jesus is alive!

Friday evening War Update: Frustration and fear from the unknown tactics of the enemy can disarm anyone not trusting in Christ! Put your trust in Jesus tonight! Keep praying! Keep encouraged in Jesus! Keep pressing onward to victory!

Friday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Jesus is continually calling you, His mercies are new every morning! Humble yourself and pray and turn from your sins, and Jesus will give you life everlasting! There is still Hope for you today!

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