Hi! Me and my friends are Going skiing now on New Years. What are you guys doing on New Years?

Happy Sunday:)) I hope that you had an amazing Christmas with your friends and family. And I hope you will have a great continued year.

Today I got all of my Christmas gifts haha. We celebrate Christmas the 24th. When do y’all do that? I still recommend for everyone who has not gotten any gifts to go and check out back to Jerusalem items.

Hiii! It’s two days before Christmas. Crazyyyyy

Good morning! How has everyone’s weekend been?

How has y’all’s day been so far? Mine has been pretty good:) I ate a long breakfast and drank a lot of coffee hahah. I still haven’t gotten any Christmas gifts yet! but I’ll definitely go on and order some gifts from Back to Jerusalem😝😝

Hi everyone! All the snow has melted where I am from haha. Just the week before Christmas. Ohh well. I haven’t shopped for Christmas gifts yet! And I saw that there’s still a massive sale on all the Christmas items on Back to Jerusalem’s website. So I’m gonna go there and shop:)) do y’all have any other gift ideas?

Good morning! I love to read books and I saw a post that someone shared with me that it was super sale an a lot of books and other Christmas items on Back to Jerusalem website. I think that everyone should take a minute to go and give it a look:)))

Have people been on the back to Jerusalem web sight yet? I saw that they have everything on sale!!! Go and check it out:)))

Hello everyone! If you have kids I recommend that head items from back to Jerusalem! They are really good and a lot of my friends have there for their kids in my church and would highly recommend them!!! Go and get them at their website:)))

Look how cute! Also from back to Jerusalem! Super cute to put on your Christmas tree. Have you started to decorate your Christmas trees yet?

@RebeckaB Yes. I seem to be adjusting to the multiple medicines I now have to take for my heart. My energy levels are rising again as I adjust to our new normal, and I even managed to record one of my Andy B 2 Minute Videos, and edited, transcribed, and published it...that, for me, was one ridiculously productive day - as I achieved more, today, than I've managed to achieve for about 6 weeks!

Andy B

God is good and I am blessed

Hiii Everyone??? Are you all having a good day so far?

I love there books! Really worth reading, their stories are sooo amazing and inspiring!

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