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@RussellMW DHS instantly falls under DoD in certain circumstances... such as Martial Law.

Well crap. Not to be too judgy, but the new head of FEMA (as of the 11th) is from Oakland, CA. and has little field combat training or information warfare traing. They shifted Pete Gaynor to DHS. I am not sure if that is good.

Note: Signals APP is having an (ahem) outage.

Hint: Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election (plus todays letter to the Speaker of the House (not so subtle):

@RussellMW @Jimm341 we are vulnerable, but we are learning from Parler. We are watching how they are being attacked and attempting to insulate ourselves from being in the same situation. NotQ is correct - we are not centralized and thank God for Mastodon. They did the heavy lifting and we have made some tailored coding from there. We are mainly set up for attacks from China and Iran, but did not expect it from the US. This is a whole new reality that we are dealing with, but God is awesome. He can do things that are beyond our ability.

Unrestricted Warfare: Two Air Force Senior Colonels on Scenarios for War and the Operational Art in an Era of Globalization is a book on military strategy written in 1999 by two colonels in the People's Liberation Army, Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui. Wikipedia
Originally published: 1999
Authors: Qiao Liang, Wang Xiangs

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