
The Chosen
In Season 3 Episode 2
Jesus tells Little James
that he is not going
to heal him until he dies
and goes to heaven.
The New Testament is clear that Jesus healed all who came to Him for healing. He never turned anyone away.

We saw The Chosen season 3 episodes 1 & 2 last night in the theater. I was so disappointed with this one scene where Little James wasn't healed. Jesus told him that he would have to wait till he got to heaven to be healed. Jesus would never say this to anyone. There are only 2 instances where Jesus doesn't heal.
1. People don't believe so they don't ask. If they would only ask He would heal them.
2. It isn't His time yet. In the case of the blind man Jesus said that he was born blind so that the glory of God could be manifest in him. In that specific case it couldn't happen until the time was right.

The course that the makers of The Chosen have chosen to take is exactly why Jesus groaned within Himself when he came to the grave of Lazares. We see Jesus specifically waiting in Lazares' case for a greater miracle and we must believe that there is a greater plan, but to tell Little James that he will not be healed until he get's to heaven 🤮. That is not my Jesus. Jesus heals. He gave the example of the woman who kept bothering the unrighteous judge and told us that we should be like that woman but he also said that the Father in heaven is not like that judge, He knows how to give good gifts to His servants. Never, Never, Never let the devil convince you that Jesus will not heal you.

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