I feel like someone out there needs to be encouraged in Jesus’ love for them. The suffering love of Jesus symbolized by Myrrh, may it help you to see how DEEPLY He loves you!

The Myrrh tree is a thorny tree growing in the harshest environments. The trunk exudes a reddish resin that drips down the outside of the bark & hardens, in appearance looking like tears falling. The meaning of Myrrh is tears from a tree.

Myrrh is known as an embalming spice, & is a picture of suffering love. When Jesus was praying all night in the Garden of Gethsemane, as the Myrrh tree, dripping the bitter resin, He agonized in prayer so intensely that He sweat drops of blood from His body, liquid tears of blood soaked passion flowing down His body (we are His body) as love broke through the darkness & He sealed His fate & ours with His final yes, for all eternity.

It’s hard to wrap into mere words the weight and glory of His love. I pray you will FEEL it as you read this. ❀️ He’s holding you, carrying you.


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