I was so touched a iTown church last night in Noblesville. They took an offering at the Christmas service and said this, "if there is anyone in need feel free to take money from the bucket. If there is not enough money in the bucket for your need, please talk to one of the pastors of this church - they have money that they are ready to give to those in need this Christmas."
I have been in ministry for years and have never seen this before.

@sinbach That's great. So simple, why have I never seen it done that way before?

@StevenBerry that was my thought. why have i never thought of this before? is there a side to this that i am not seeing? is this robbing God? or is this blessing people as the Church is supposed to? I am not sure of the theological implications, BUT i do know that i like the lack of fear in this process. no one is worried about going without. no one is worried about people abusing the system. i saw a joy in the giving last night - a joy that lacked fear. a joy that lacked caution. a joy that gave like God's grace knows no bounds. a joy of living life and giving to others without reservation. ....and i liked it


@sinbach Yeah, no fear about people abusing the system. That can be such a problem, some people tend to not give money unless they know precisely what it is going to be spent on and that it's absolutely necessary. But that's missing the point of giving.

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