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This is a pair of abstract images which can be interpreted in a variety of ways. For me, they convey a sense of memory, or remembering old times - traumatic or tragic memories in the case of the first picture, and pleasant or comforting memories in the case of the second.

"Head In the Clouds"
Here's a glorious cloud formation from a while ago. Lit up majestically by the sun, the texture of this cloud caught my eye when I looked out the window. I knew it would certainly pass within moments, so I hastily popped outside with my camera to photograph it.

"Red sky at night, shepherd's delight.
Red sky in the morning, shepherds take warning."
I can't actually remember what the weather was like on the day that I took this photo, but if the rhyme is accurate, then it can't have been fair.
Anyway, the photograph below is of an incredible sunrise I witnessed a short while ago. For a brief moment (literally just a few minutes!), prior to the sun's appearance, the clouds above it suddenly exploded with magnificent texture and colour, lit up vibrantly in rich orange-pink.

"Reach Out"
Another of my abstract image collection. For this one I added some grain and desaturated it significantly.
(In case you are wondering, it's my hand in the picture. I couldn't hire a hand model 😏)

...And here are all the rest, showing the beautiful sunset in all its glory.
There is nothing quite like watching the sun go down, surrounded by God's beautiful creation.

Here are some pictures from a highly memorable sunset from the other week (and last year now). While my family and I were out for an evening walk, the sun began to set, casting a beautiful golden light upon the surrounding landscape.
More photos to follow in the next post...

I don't usually do much abstract or experimental photography, but I find abstract photographs can often be great for conveying emotion. By experimenting with lighting, texture, colour, blur, and a whole host of other elements, one can create powerful, emotionally impactive images.
Some can be bright, with vibrant colours and sharp edges in a chaotic blur, conveying joy, excitement, or holiday vibes; others can be dark, grainy, and shadowy, conveying fear, tragedy, or sadness; still others can have numerous imperceptible shapes with soft gradients, conveying mystery, thought, or spirituality.
I've been experimenting with such photography recently, the results of which I hope to share shortly. Here is the first, which is titled "Hazy Excitement".

A nice close-up of a blooming flower from the other week. I noticed the midday sun illuminating a group of flowers from behind, showing the texture of the petals. I liked the lighting, the blend of vibrant orange and light pink, and the complementary backlighting, so I decided to take a few photos before a cloud blocked the sun.
(Unfortunately, I couldn't think of a title for this photo, but I'm open to suggestions)

"Here They Fell"
Here are some recent photos of the last of the autumnal landscapes.
All three images were in fact taken under the boughs of the same giant oak tree, almost entirely bare of leaves. An overcast sky, scores of dry, rusty leaves, and a temperature nigh on freezing all contributed to provide a marvellous shooting session.
I like to imagine the leaves represent fallen heroes, lying in a sea of fellow comrades, left in the wake of some terrible tragedy, forgotten and lost in some lovely, faraway land.

"Glittering Dewdrops"
This is an older photo in my archive. I noticed one day in the garden how the sun cast striped shadows onto the grass from the fence panels in the late morning. I thought the pattern looked rather intriguing, so, on a day with fair weather, when the dew was sparkling in the warm light of the sun, I decided to photograph it.
I tried a variety of angles, but eventually decided on a low angle, with a tight shot of the grass blades.
I did nothing fancy in post editing. For the most part, I simply brought out some detail in the shadows and cooled the colour temperature.

"Twin Blossoms"
I found this pair of almost identical flowers on a bush a while ago. As it was an overcast day, I had a marvelously diffused lighting to work with.

Initially, I took this picture because I quite liked the simplicity of the rolling hills and tilled earth illuminated softly by an overcast sky. During the editing process, however, I felt rather inclined to emphasise the lonely, bare nature of the scene and draw out the ominous atmosphere to depict an almost apocalyptic landscape. This I did mainly by darkening the clouds and desaturating the colours of the soil in the foreground and the trees in the distance.

The philosophical part of me is strangely moved by the desolation and loneliness that this image conveys, especially in the light of the recent pandemic and consequential political and social tensions.

"A Ray of Light"
A rather simple photo to take. The setup consisted solely of me holding my hand up to a ray of sunlight coming through the window and setting the exposure.
I think it is rather thought-provoking - a striking analogy of one trapped in spiritual darkness, reaching for the Light; for freedom; for salvation.

Some photos from my recent walk through beautiful woodland in the thick of autumn. 🍁Most are HDR images, as it was quite dark beneath the trees, but very bright outside.

Anyone up for a good ?
Here's one:

I am what you seek.

I shall reveal the answer tomorrow.

Anyone up for a good ?
Here's one:

I am what you seek.

I shall reveal the answer this Sunday.

Anyone up for a good ?
Here's one:

I am what you seek.

I shall reveal the answer on Sunday.

Anyone up for a good ?
Here's one:

I am what you seek.

I shall reveal the answer this Sunday.

Anyone up for a good ?
Here's one for you to think on over the next week.

I am what you seek.

I shall reveal the answer next Sunday. 😎

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