
A Biblical case for singleness:
1) Jesus was single. Read Matthew 19. "... some make themselves eunuchs for the Kingdom of God." Another time, Jesus was teaching and His disciples responded, "... if this is the case, it's better for a man not to be married."
2) Apostle Paul was single, and he even made statements like, "... married will have trouble." "I wish you would be like me." "Its better to marry than to burn with lust." "If a person marries, they have not sinned." "A single person can give more attention to the things of God than
a married person."

So was Jesus and Paul contradicting the command to "Be fruitful and multiply?"
(You're not supposed to make babies without being married)

Or... has that command actually been the ONLY command that has been obeyed by mankind? (I wonder why?... ahem... πŸ€” 😘 😜 )

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