@DevotionalTreasures Beautiful
Thank you for your precious encouragement Richard.
May our Father God guide and bless you as you serve Him each day 🙏@richardafaherty
You certainly can't go wrong with Spurgeon 😊👍@richardafaherty
My review of a good #book on the #Gospels: https://veritasdomain.wordpress.com/2022/09/09/review-can-we-trust-the-gospels/
21st Century Bible Study - Repost
Spurgeon's Evening - 7th November
How many languages were there before the Tower of Babel was built? #Bible Difficulties and Answers Podcast source include Veritas Domain
#Christianity #Apologetics #Scripture https://veritasdomain.wordpress.com/2024/10/21/how-many-languages-were-there-before-the-tower-of-babel-was-built-bible-difficulties-and-answers-podcast-source-include-veritas-domain/
Here's an #apologetics illustration in regards to dealing with alleged #Bible contradiction asserted by the skeptics: https://veritasdomain.wordpress.com/2021/10/28/apologetics-sermon-illustration-69-bible-contradiction-and-multiple-meaning-of-watch-your-back/
Reverence For God Almighty
Spiritual help: Here's how not to read the #Bible mechanically
#Christianity #Devotional #Scripture https://veritasdomain.wordpress.com/2024/10/18/help-to-not-read-the-bible-mechanically/
The Nordic countries (where I live) are on the same height as Alaska and northern Canada. It's not as cold here thanks to the Gulf Stream, but as dark in the winter. When I visited the US in the summer I really enjoyed the strong sunshine. The sun never gets really strong here even in the summer. Lack of sunshine affects people negatively.
Spurgeon's Evening - 6th November
Answering this objection from the skeptics with an #apologetics article: https://veritasdomain.wordpress.com/2023/12/29/bible-contradiction-who-was-libnis-father/
Spurgeon's Evening - 5th November