
Pondering Ps. 9:7-8 today---
I'm so grateful to be on this side of the cross and the empty tomb, seeing Christ exalted as King and Head over all! David's concept of God in this Psalm was limited to God sitting enthroned only to judge the world. His concept was rooted in the law of Moses and according to the Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil.

How blessed we are to see the contrast of Christ ruling today to save the world in mercy and grace! (Acts 5:31)
His is the throne of a loving Savior, not judgment.

What has God's intention been from eternity to eternity? To love and save the world, favoring fallen man with His grace and abundant, overflowing mercy!

Of course, the New Testament also reveals God's throne as the place of His authority and we know the day is coming when He will judge His own people and the world according to His righteousness. (II Tim 4:8)

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