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#FlashbackFriday: 2 years ago this day we posted "Don’t Waste Your #Bible Contradiction"
#Christianity #Apologetics
How should you take care of yourself?
When Mickey Mantle was dying of diseases brought on by a life of heavy drinking, he said that he would have taken better care of himself had he only known how long he was going to live.
He gives us a profound lesson. How should we “take care of ourselves” when we are never to cease?
Jesus shows his apprentices how to live in the light of the fact that they will never stop living. This is what His students are learning from Him.
From “The Divine Conspiracy” – Dallas Willard
Awe is the condition of a man’s spirit realizing Who God is and what He has done for him personally.
Our Lord emphasizes the attitude of a child; no attitude can express such solemn awe and familiarity as that of a child.
from Not Knowing Whither, 882 L
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(Representative Picture)
A group of women leaders are undergoing a special program enjoying powerful sessions.
#Prayer #Study #Mentoring #Teaching #Equipping
Retired firefighter- Teach n Outreach to homeless. All teachings free to download from my sites- take no money ever.