
Do you remember what God said to Joshua?

“You’ve got to put your foot on every place to make it yours.”

Just as Joshua and Israel had to “put their feet” on the Promised Land to inherit it, we must “put our feet down” and stand on the promises God has given us in order to inherit His promises to us.

“That through these [the promises] you may be partakers of the divine nature” (2 Peter 1:4).

As you appropriate the promises, you become a partaker of God’s own nature.

This is one of the most astonishing statements in the entire Bible.

@faith20 Amen! Exactly, so let's keep going! Walk, run, use a Bike / Bicycle, Motorcycle somehow, someone should set their feet on new ground and inherit it!!!
Our team is on the move! We never stopped going! Go! and make disciples, take over Nations in Jesus's Name.

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