
Like John on the isle of Patmos, some saints are finding themselves in places of restriction in this hour, and are struggling with all the emotional trappings that attend imprisonment and confinement.

Feelings such as hopelessness, uselessness, despair, abandonment, rejection, reproach, lack of understanding, loneliness, vulnerability, etc.

With such a host of emotions assaulting the prisoner’s equilibrium, it’s difficult to maintain an unswerving confidence in the simple secret of this chapter:

When you’re in confinement, God is closer to you than you realize.

The Lord assures the afflicted soul, “‘I will be with him in trouble’” (Psalm 91:15).

When you’ve been troubled by circumstances that twist and press your soul, be assured that your Lord is closer to you than ever!

B. Sorge

@faith20 Thank you for sharing. I hope you have some friends in your region who share your values and convictions and can provide fellowship and support during this time.

@Cherishingsparrows2020 Thanks for your message. Unfortunately few are understanding my decisions, my way of dealing with the pandemic. I also lost my parents' esteem. I am living in a big distress but I know that God is with me. I am happy to have discovered Ding Dash and I am happy to be able to trust in the prayers of all my Ding Dash contacts. We often feel alone. But we know that God is with us. Thanks again. God bless you and bless all my brothers in Christ. Here in Italy a new pandemic is starting. The fourth wave. It seems to never end. We are exhausted. God will provide and help us. With tears in my eyes, I pray that God will bless you in all circumstances.

@faith20 been praying for you Antonio. The Lord's blessing be upon you

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