how are my fellow DingDashers doing today?

with all the work to our new website (launching 1st Feb) i've been pretty flat out with that since the start of December

so, how's y'all doing?

Andy B

(that's me, Jo and our oldest - Steven and the most recent photo I have with me in it)



God bless you. Nice to see you again. It's nice to see your joy in the photo. May God continue to bless you and all the projects that He has placed in your heart to carry on. Praise the Lord. πŸ‘πŸ™

@faith20 thanks my brother. I'm still not getting notifications from DingDash - apologies for the delay, but unless I actually come on to DingDash I don't know

Yes, we were full of joy - this was taken because we were covering the breakfast show for a couple of weeks, and one of those shows fell on my oldest son's birthday - 19 years old!!!

How are you and your lovely wife?

Andy B


Dear brothers Andy. Thanks for your message. I have not been able to answer you until now because I have had problems with the internet line. There is currently no news regarding our situation. I can testify that God is good and is carrying us through day by day. It's a stage in our lives that I never imagined I'd go through but God's will be done. To the Lord be the glory. God bless you. Antonio. πŸ™

"I can testify that God is good and is carrying us through day by day."

AMEN and AMEN to that my dear brother.

It amazes me what we can actually get through, when we let God do what only He can do.

Praying on for you my friend.

Andy B

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