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Psalm 91:13

"Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: The young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet".

Luke 10:19

Jesus said:
"Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you".

Romans 16:20

"And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly".

"The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen".

Hebrews 10:36
"For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise".

"Lord, help me keep my eyes and ears fixed on You and not on what I see and hear coming from people and circumstances around me. I believe that Your Word is true; therefore, I am standing firm on Your promise to me. Regardless of what people say or do, I choose to follow You! Please help me to stay put and to ignore other people’s verbal accusations as I hold tightly to Your Word. I pray this in Jesus’ name!"

"I boldly declare that I will not move from the promise Jesus made to me. His Word is true, and His timing is right. Therefore, I am staying put until I see the manifestation of what I have believed. Although the devil tries to use people and circumstances to move me, I refuse to be moved from what Jesus has promised me. I declare this by faith in Jesus’ name!"


"All the evil due to us came upon Jesus, that all the good due to Jesus might be made available to us".

D. Prince

"When we set a high value upon God as being the most sublime and infinite good, we so esteem God, as that if we have Him, we do not care though we want all things else. The stars vanish when the sun appears. All creatures vanish in our thoughts when the Sun of righteousness shines in His full splendour".

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faith20 boosted

@faith20 I agree! I was reminded of Joshua when he came upon the man with a drawn sword and he asked “are you for us or against us “ ? and the man (who was actually the Lord) said neither! My life is not about God helping me with my agenda. It’s about me being part of His agenda!

"Jesus isn’t here for our benefit; we’re here for His glory".

D. Prince


We have had to face many storms together. Even today, in 2022, we are facing a really heavy one. We can testify, however, that God has never left us alone and has never abandoned us and that nothing and no one will ever be able to separate us from the love of Christ.

We place our entire life in His glorious hands and we are confident that God has a wonderful plan for us, and that He meditates for us and also for you who read, thoughts of peace and good, to give us a future and a hope.

To God be all the glory for all that he has done and that he will still do for me and my wife.

I pray that this testimony will be edifying for anyone who reads it and that it will also put in your heart the desire to know Jesus and to let him enter your life.

God bless you all, in Christ Jesus.

Brother Antonio


After my conversion, other young people also came to Christ, even those friends who had brought me to the church elder's home. God sent a real revival in the small evangelical community we frequented. Many young people, who had attended Sunday school since childhood and were children of believers, when they saw what God had done in my life, they too began to seek the Lord with all their hearts and God also worked in their lives. How wonderful are the ways of God!

So I immediately began to serve the Lord with zeal and strong conviction. And in that same community God also made me meet Anna, a dear sister in Christ with the same desire to serve the Lord, and who later became my wife. Since then we have served the Lord together with all our hearts.


Now I knew that I had eternal life and that if I died at that moment I would go to Heaven. I finally had the answer! God had answered me! God had heard that simple prayer I had made in the darkest moment of my life. Glory to God!

Since that day everything has become new. I immediately began to feel a fire burning inside me; I had a desire to share my experience of salvation in Jesus Christ with everyone I knew; and I did. I testified to my parents, my relatives and all my friends. To God be all the glory.


That evening I was given a gospel and was invited to their church meetings. I began reading the New Testament with a spiritual hunger never seen before. As I read the Gospel I felt a profound peace and felt within me an ever more convincing confirmation that this was the Way.

I started attending church meetings that same week. And it was in one of those meetings that, one evening, I completely surrendered; God had won! The Holy Spirit convinced me of sin, he clearly showed me the sacrifice that Jesus Christ had made on the cross and that it was also made for me and to give me eternal life. So I confessed all my sins to God, believed in Jesus and accepted him as my personal Savior and Lord. I felt a powerful release and joy flooding me. The old things no longer interested me. Now I wanted to live for Jesus alone and do God's will. What a powerful experience!


That evening I will never be able to forget. We arrived at the home of these brothers very late. It wasn't the normal time to go see someone; yet they welcomed me with joy. We sat around a table and they asked me what I wanted to know. So as they spoke, they began to preach the gospel to me. But I countered everything they said to me, feeling strong in my philosophical and atheistic convictions. But then the church elder's wife said these words to me: “Unless anyone is born again he cannot see the Kingdom of God,” and the scene changed completely.

To me those were not normal words; I felt something powerful, I felt a sweet presence in the room, I felt an enveloping love; I did not know how to explain it but I could no longer be a philosopher; all my arguments ran out. I had no more questions.


A few days after this prayer something happened. I was introduced to an engaged couple with whom I arranged to spend an evening together. So, after only a few days, here we are together again, eating a sandwich and talking about this and that. But that evening was not like any other! It was a special evening that nothing and no one can ever erase from my memory and from my life. From speech to speech I found myself talking about my research on truth and the fact that I had also read a few pages of the Bible.

So they opened up to me and told me there was an answer to all my questions; they confessed to me that they were evangelicals and asked me if I would like to speak more deeply with an elderly brother of the community they frequented, the girl's father. I readily accepted the invitation.


Nothing seemed to satisfy my thirst and my hunger to know more about the meaning of life and life after death. I also began to read a few pages of the Old Testament from an old Bible that my parents had in the bookshelf and that no one had ever really read. But I didn't understand anything.

All this went on like this until I ended up no longer sleeping at night. For five full months I could not sleep more than a few hours a night; and I didn't know how to get out of this tunnel. So one night, in the darkest moment of my life, although I thought I was a convinced atheist, I chose to make a simple prayer, which no one had ever taught me, and I said: "Lord, if you exist, do something for me".


However, things did not improve at all, not even when I was hired as a teacher following the victory of a state competition. Not even the permanent teaching job, so coveted in my country, where work is often just a mirage, was able to fill that emptiness inside me and take away that sense of frustration in my heart. Nothing seemed to ease my suffering. So I fell into a very deep depression and, despite being a convinced atheist and always polemical against the religious, I began to ask myself new questions, which had never crossed my mind before; I began to wonder what had become of me if I had died at that moment. I didn't have the answer.

It was at that time, back in 1999, that driven by the desire to find an answer to my question about the existence of the afterlife, I began to read various religious texts of ancient civilizations and of Eastern and Middle Eastern religions. But nothing to do. I didn't find the answer.


Basically, according to my ideals, I lacked nothing or at least nothing of what a young person could want. He seemed to me to be fine and to feel happy. I was an atheist! I was not a calm atheist but I was a convinced atheist and that, on every possible occasion, I fought every religious idea or practice, of any religion.

However, when I reached the end of my musical studies, I began to feel a great emptiness inside me. I felt like I had everything but I felt empty all the same, I felt depressed and very sad. So I started to move away from the sound principles of life that had been instilled in me and, believing to solve my problem, I let myself go, and I began to live my life experiencing everything that the world offered me, without restraints and without limits. Everything I could do and that could give me strong emotions I experienced without thinking twice.

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