#1 Best Way to Stop Excess Mucus and Phlegm in Your Sinuses, Throat and Lungs. Breathe Freely and Easily without excess phlegm in your sinuses that drains into your throat and lungs. How to get rid of excess mucus in throat and chest, sinuses and lungs. Excessive Phlegm can be from infection or exposure to mold, yeast and fungus (mycotoxins) in the foods you eat or in your home. #mucus #phlegm #sinusitis #lungs 5G EMF radiation from cell phones and 5G towers is a deep penetrating type of harmful radiation that literally cooks your cells (brain, DNA, immune system, nervous system.) EMF protection pendants and necklaces can keep your DNA, Immune System, heart and brainwaves (as seen in EKG and EEG) free from very harmful 5G EMF Waves. The newer vaccines work WITH 5G EMF radiation to wipe out your immune system! If you have chronic headaches, irregular heartbeats, sinusitis, you may be absorbing these harmful radiation waves. #5g #emf #vaccines #radiation #emfprotection Your lungs are your most critical organ as you can only live for a few minutes without being able to inhale and exhale oxygen and air. Shortness of breath can be because of chronic sinus issues, hypertension and poor circulation and respiratory infection. Coronaviruses (flu viruses) are now engineered into Covid-19 variants that are made to attack your lungs and immune system so you have to go to a hospital and get lethal drugs like Remdesivir which usually leads to being on a respirator. Using safe and effectiveΒ Essential Oils for Respiratory Health that you use to build a strong respiratory system and help restore lung function if you are dealing with any respiratory infection or condition. #lungs #respiratory #essentialoils #covid-19 #omnicron Buy American and Support Your Veterans! Always Have Access to Clean Safe Drinking Water Anywhere You Are! Royal Berkeys are the #1 bestselling mid-size portable water filter in the U.S., a little bigger than the Big Berkey Water Filter. It Removes parasites, pathogens, chemicals and even fluoride. Should be in every prepper's emergency kit. I am so glad to have mine (with fluoride filters) as I would never want to depend on our Gov for clean water! #berkey #waterfilter #waterpurifier #royalberkey #1 Natural Treatment for Arthritis and Chronic Inflammation Relief. Arthritis is a Chronic Inflammatory Condition That Affects Your Whole body not just your Joints. Its cause is from having an overly acidic body that leads to chronic inflammation, a compromised immune system and low quality (and quantity) of life. There are no incurable diseases only incurable people (Dr. John Christopher.) If you follow this holistic arthritis plan you will finally get that arthritis monkey off your back for good! #arthritis #joint #pain #holistic #healing During this time of plandemic and increasing solitude, you can naturally feel more lonely and blue. You may feel alone (without friends or family nearby) and being kept apart from the people and activities that you love. There are natural ways you can feel better now, without any dependency. You just start feeling better right where you are now! #depression #depressionhelp #depressiontreatment #depressionawareness Best way to protect your immune system and cleanse your whole body and brain of accummulated toxins. If you've taken a Covid-19 Test (sars CoV-2 coronavirus test, you need to get that crap out of your body asap.) It has been shown by poison control center to have the stuff you are trying to prevent. Zeolite is the #1 Natural Antiviral Detox Mineral. Also top radiation detox (including 5G after it goes into your body as a particle) heavy metal detox and natural cancer remedy. Pure Natural Zeolite Powder protects you against the harmful viruses, microbes, heavy metals in your environment food (and vaccines) like mercury/lead, radiation including EMF's and even helps prevent and heal from cancer (and the treatment of cancer.) See how it can help you and your loved ones stay healthy and disease free today #zeolite #vaccine #radiation #cancer #covid-19 Asthma can smother away your joy of life. You can learn how to Stop and Prevent Asthma Attacks at home or on the go, by using safe and effective Natural Herbs, Essential Oils, Minerals and Therapies. I had exercise induced asthma, and learned how to get rid of it completely using natural methods. No more inhalers or pharmaceuticals. It really works! #asthma #asthmatic #breathing #copd #breathe Your best friends (pets, whether four legged dogs, cats, horses, pigs or rabbits or feathered friends) are family and deserve all the love and support you can give them. Chemical medicines and grain based foods cause them harm and lead to a shorter life. Give your loving pets the food and natural health remedies they deserve. Give them natural or grain-free pet food made for their needs and safe and effective toxin and chemical free holistic pet care products help them stay healthy, and active for the long-term. #animals #petcare #pets #dogs #cats Radiation, particularly 5G EMF Radiation penetrates into your immune cells and destroys them as it does when you cook food, both on the microwave frequency. It also unlocks viruses and pathogens that see this immune damage and take advantage of your weakened and compromised immune system. It also damages your DNA so you now produce dysfunctional new tissues. How to protect yourself from radiation (5g, EMF, Medical and Nuclear.) Plus natural best radiation detox methods. #5g #EMF #radiation #nuclear #covid How does Zeolite work so well? See the zeolite reviews and testimonials of many people who are now healthy from common health conditions as well as "incurable" and "mystery conditions." Zeolite pure powder is a therapeutic grade micronized zeolite powder that gets to the cause of most chronic (and acute) health conditions. Zeolite pure should be your daily vitamin kit and emergency first aid kit! #zeolite #cancer #detox #radiation #health TheΒ Best Carb BlockersΒ get the power of nature and science on your side. Certain hormones like AMPk cause fat storage from carbohydrate consumption or stored fat release. Prevent diabetes, lower your blood sugar, raise your resting metabolism, stop cravings and hunger naturally and burn your stored body fat as energy and feel better than ever before! #keto #carb #ketosis #diabetes What is a Colon Cleanse? Naturally Cleansing your colon helps you not only prevent colorectal cancer, the 3rd most lethal type of cancer but it can also help you prevent appendicitis, reverse chronic fatigue, bloating, gas, sour stomach and IBS. You can lose weight naturally by flushing the toxic sludge stuck in your body as impacted material and intestinal plaque. Your skin tone will also improve and you'll look and feel more vibrant that you have in a long time. #cleanse #coloncleanse #coloncancer #detox #health Does your neck hurt all the time or sound like coconuts knocking every time you move your head? Neck Pain can be the early warning signs of degenerative Neck Arthritis or Cervical Spondylosis. Treating it holistically and early can prevent permeant damage and keep your neck properly aligned and pain free for the long haul. When you can treat it naturally you can prevent stiff neck, hunched neck and permanently fused discs. It actually can help your whole body posture and protect all your joints as well. #neck #neckpain #cervical #spondylosis #arthritis Be ready and totally prepared BEFORE it hits the fan! When food shortages come you better know how to find food in the wild (what is safe and what you can eat to live on) when it hits the fan. Toilet paper is nothing compared to food runs and empty food shelves. If truckers and ships are not allowed to deliver food, it will 100% affect your family's food supply. Have a plan for whatever happens. The prepper survival guide and wilderness farming manual for emergency food growing and harvesting for survival, at any place or time of year. #prepper #prepping #bugout #survivalΒ #food Here's something you need to know right about now: Natural Zeolite Powder (an alkaline crystal mineral) that is formed from volcanic ash and sea minerals into a unique honeycomb structure that safely traps and allows your body to eliminate vax ingredients like heavy metals, radiation, microbials (viruses, bacteria, fungi and mycotoxins, as well as pesticide residues.) It is highly anti-cancer (including the medical treatment of cancer with radiation, chemo and surgery.) It is a safe and effective natural remedy for vaccine toxins, chemtrails and EMF exposure too. Coronaviruses (flu viruses) are now engineered into Covid-19 variants that are made to attack your lungs and immune system so you have to go to a hospital and get lethal drugs like Remdesivir#zeolite #cancer #detox #radiation #health You are not Gluten Intolerant, you are actually Glyphosate Intolerant (Toxic pesticide in Roundup and GMO food additive.) It is misdiagnosed 90% of the time. Doing a Glyphosate Detox can help you prevent colon cancer (#3 cause of cancer), IBS, IBD, Chronic Diarrhea, Celiac's, Crohn's and Ulcerative Colitis. #glyphosate #gluten #detox #cleanse Your eyes, ears, sinuses and throat are all connected. When there is excess acidity or inflammation in one of them, it creates excessive mucus and phlegm. It can cause a mucus plug which can stop your breathing. Using this natural treatment stops excess from forming in your sinuses and draining into your throat (post nasal drip) causing sore throat and bloating. #phlegm #mucus #sinusitis #inflammation #health What is the #1 nutrient for better sleep? (hint: itβs NOT CBD Oil.) What if it all came down to ONE CRITICAL NUTRIENT that 80% of people are deficient in? Scientists say this is true: if you lack this mineral in your cells, stress becomes 10 times worseβ¦
And that makes it impossible to sleep. And puts you into a vicious cycle where you feel more and more anxious every day. Now discover the scientific way to transform your sleep in just seconds each morning. #magnesium #magnesiummiracle #fullspectrummagnesium #sleep #insomnia USMC Veteran, Medic, Holistic Health Alternative Medicine Natural Healing Fitness, Medic, Free Thinker, Truth Seeker, Christian Conservative, Question All, FE, Sovereign, Constitution, Metaphysics, Spirituality.