
APRIL 13, 2029 a large space rock or meteor is scheduled to fly by earth very close. NASA has named this rock Apophis. In a dream a man was given Pope Benedict would resign and he even put this and the exact date in a book titled Petrus Romanos, prior to this event actually occurring. He also was also shown this rock coming and given its name in a dream as Apophis. He believes this could be Wormwood as mentioned in Revelation 8:11. There is more to his dream, you can explore this on for yourself. We will start seeing the light from this object in the next few years. It presents a very intriguing possibility as to why now? I would say to all prepare, "seek the Lord while He may be found". I believe we are in the season and the world is ripe for His return as we are in "the wars and rumors of wars" stage. SELAH!

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